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 Moline [məu'lain, 'məulin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. (十字架)风车式的

    [ noun ]
    a town in northwest Illinois on the Mississippi River

    Moline \Mo"line\, n. [L. molina mill, fr. molere to grind. See
    The crossed iron that supports the upper millstone by resting
    on the spindle; a millrind.

    {Cross moline} (Her.), a cross each arm of which is divided
    at the end into two rounded branches or divisions.

    1. Under questioning from her attorney, William G. Schick of Moline, Ms. St. Charles said she wasn't trying to block the investigation, but was concerned that investigators may have given false information about the church to members.
    2. The two parties continue to come together in good faith." In Moline, union negotiators expressed confidence that a settlement with Deere was imminent.
    3. Talks between the two sides had continued in Moline, Ill., past the union's midnight Friday strike deadline.
    4. But Moline praised officers for their handling of the disturbance. "In situations like this, people have a tendency to say things that look to the public like they (police) are insensitive," he said.
    5. Moline, Ill., received a third of an inch of rain, and snow extended from northern Illinois to the lower Great Lakes region.
    6. Bruce Brown, a 39-year-old financial officer with the State Department who is the father of two small boys, says that though he largely agrees with Rabbi Moline, he doubts he could flatly forbid his sons to date non-Jews.
    7. "He sent back a letter that said, `We don't want you in our town, period,"' Halicki said, referring to Moline.
    8. According to crop scientists and grain analysts, some elevators in about six Illinois counties between the Mississippi River cities of Moline and Quincy are detecting aflatoxin in newly harvested corn offered for sale by local farmers.
    9. A midnight strike deadline still loomed for farm equipment maker Deere & Co., which is negotiating with the UAW on a new labor pact near the company's Moline, Ill., headquarters.
    10. Hanson is an East Moline native and was the first person not a member of the Deere family by blood or marriage to run the 153-year-old company.
    11. Assistant Chief of Police Jim Moline said the evaluation should be completed by Monday and the results given to the Stearns County attorney's office, which will decide whether to charge David Allen Dalbec, 31. He was being held in the county jail Friday.
    12. Mrs. Solomon says she never thought of converting and Rabbi Moline didn't press her to do so.
    13. A Cleveland jury in federal court awarded $650,000 in punitive damages to the estate of Maurice J. Moline, a merchant seaman who died in 1988 at the age of 61 from mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer believed to be caused by asbestos.
    14. The plants are in East Moline, Ill.; LaGrange, Ga.; and Camp Hill, Pa.
    15. In most matters, Rabbi Moline, who is 38, thinks of himself as a liberal.
    16. About 60 officers, including some from the State Patrol and neighboring counties, shot tear gas to disperse the crowd and made 46 arrests, most on misdemeanor charges of unlawful conduct or criminal damage to property, Moline said.
    17. After a lull of a few hours, 150 officers were sent in early Sunday to break up crowds of 150 to 200 people, some of whom had set fire to furniture and a trash carrier that had been dragged into the street, Moline said.
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