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 Lychnis ['liknis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 剪秋罗属

    [ noun ]
    mostly perennial herbs with sticky stems that catch insects; widespread in north temperate zone

    Lychnis \Lych"nis\, n. [L., a kind of red flower, Gr. lychni`s;
    cf. ly`chnos a lamp.] (Bot.)
    A genus of Old World plants belonging to the Pink family
    ({Caryophyllace[ae]}). Most of the species have brilliantly
    colored flowers and cottony leaves, which may have anciently
    served as wicks for lamps. The botanical name is in common
    use for the garden species. The corn cockle ({Lychnis
    Githago}) is a common weed in wheat fields.

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