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 Liddy 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Liddy)人名;(英)利迪

  1. "Do not worry, America, " Liddy added.
    “不必担心,美国” Liddy补充道。
  2. Chief executive Ed Liddy, who was appointed under the instructions of the US government in September, said AIG was too large to be allowed to fail.
    美国政府去年9月指定任命的AIG首席执行官埃德·李迪(Ed Liddy)指出,AIG实在是太大了,以致政府无法容许它破产。
  3. Named six months ago to take over the faltering company, Edward Liddy said he shares the anger many Americans have with "mistakes made at AIG on a scale few could have ever imagined possible."
    六个月前被任命接管这个摇摇欲坠的公司,Edward Liddy说,许多美国人一样对“AIG犯下的没人能想象得到的错误”感到生气,对此他表示可以理解。

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