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 Libya ['libiә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 利比亚

    [ noun ]
    a military dictatorship in northern Africa on the Mediterranean; consists almost entirely of desert; a major exporter of petroleum

    Libya \Libya\ prop. n.
    A country in Northern Africa, between Egypt and Tunisia,
    bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It also borders on Algeria,
    Chad, Niger, and Sudan. It is an Arabic-speaking country with
    over 97% of the population Sunni Moslem. The population in
    1995 was about 5,248,000. The capital is Tripoli.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    Note: Until the formation of the modern nation of Libya in
    1952, the name had been applied to the same territory
    that had been ruled by Italy, and after World War II,
    by Britain and France. In ancient times, Libya was the
    name given to all of that part of Africa between Egypt
    and the Atlantic Ocean, and sometimes to Africa as a
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    1. But Ms. Tutwiler said Libya is "still trying to acquire chemical weapons capability and is engaged in destabilizing efforts around the world.
    2. He engineered a huge defense buildup and ended the nation's post-Vietnam paralysis by projecting military power in Grenada, Libya and the Persian Gulf.
    3. The U.S. attorney for Minnesota said the indictment charges a former Sealed Air unit with illegally exporting 434 drums of an anti-corrosion chemical to Libya in April 1986, in violation of an executive order issued earlier that year.
    4. He has restored ties with Egypt and opened oil negotiations with the Americans for the possible return of U.S. oil companies to Libya, hinting he is also ready to improve relations.
    5. Administration officials didn't rule out military action against Libya, but they suggested it isn't likely.
    6. Libya was accused of using chemical weapons in a war against Chad.
    7. Some feel the momentum of accusation and tension between the United States and Libya will be difficult to stop.
    8. Rollie Estabillio, spokesman for the airline, said the four are believed to be members of a breakaway Palestine Liberation Organization faction led by Abu Musa, who is supported by Syria and Libya.
    9. The Marines are sending in 45,000 of their finest and deploying A6-E Intruder bombers used in the U.S. bombing of Libya in 1986.
    10. For example, Libya was the first to break the $30-a-barrel level and others followed.
    11. However, Israeli press reports said the yacht was hijacked off Libya, the group's main base.
    12. More recently, these officials said, there have been reports of contacts in Lebanon between the JRA and members of the Abu Nidal Palestinian terrorist group, which is headquartered in Libya.
    13. Libya has said it suspects the United States, Israel and West Germany are behind last Wednesday's fire at a Libyan plant that allegedly produced poison gas.
    14. A top State Department official met Thursday with China's ambassador amid reports that China has helped Libya develop chemical weapons.
    15. "The problem there is they have leaders like (Moammar) Gadhafi," he said. "It was not just an accident that some airplanes flew his way one day," he said referring to the 1986 bombing raid on Tripoli, Libya.
    16. The Syrian leader, who spoke shortly before the departure of Egypt's Mubarak for Libya after talks in Damascus, accused Israel of blocking peace.
    17. It has since accused Libya of supporting rebels based in Sudan's sparsely populated Darfur province, where the Khartoum goverment exercises practically no control.
    18. Yesterday, the State Department said Libya is on the verge of full-scale production of chemical weapons, a development it called especially worrisome in view of Col. Moammar Gadhafi's record.
    19. Libya "announces through your radio station that it will take the responsibility of paying the salaries," Gadhafi told the radio's Paris-based Arabic service.
    20. Libya claims it is a pharmaceutical plant.
    21. Libya and Sudan signed a military cooperation pact in 1985, but that too is one-sided, with Sudan receiving military aid and equipment but contributing very little in return.
    22. Still, West Germany and a number of other countries, where firms are suspected of assisting Libya, were skeptical.
    23. Despite warnings from the United States, the government continued to give sensitive defense contracts to a Munich company after Libya bought control of the firm, a news report says.
    24. It was these planes that bombed Libya in 1986.
    25. Interviewed on Channel 4 News, Soviet Foreign Ministry spokesman Gennady I. Gerasimov confirmed bombers were supplied to Libya under a 1986 agreement, but insisted they were short-range defensive aircraft.
    26. A coming State Department report on terrorism will assert that in the past year the Sudan has "enhanced" its cooperation with terrorist organizations, including the notorious Abu Nidal organization based in nearby Libya.
    27. Former Maltese officials have said that a half-hour before the U.S. air raids on Libya in April 1986, Maltese air traffic controllers warned Libya that the warplanes were en route.
    28. Former Maltese officials have said that a half-hour before the U.S. air raids on Libya in April 1986, Maltese air traffic controllers warned Libya that the warplanes were en route.
    29. The New York Times also has reported that Frankfurt Zink was among a number of companies from which Libya obtained materials for the plant.
    30. They will have learned that force does not pay, especially with Libya," Gadhafi said.
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