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 LDP 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. Mr Hosokawa has so far refused LDP demands to ask his former aide, who handled his financial affairs, to testify in parliament and has been unable to produce receipts showing he repaid the Y100m.
    2. The LDP and the SDP remain the first and second largest parties respectively. Yet the framework in which they operate has shifted irreversibly.
    3. Instead, the LDP has assumed that July's vote was merely a symbolic protest against political kickbacks and sex scandals.
    4. He rose through the LDP ranks, learning the rules of political favors and cash politics.
    5. When two LDP candidates emerged from the Fukushima governorship race, many LDP Diet members feared a replay of Iwate.
    6. When two LDP candidates emerged from the Fukushima governorship race, many LDP Diet members feared a replay of Iwate.
    7. "People are consoled by the fact that they consider the LDP won't be so easily toppled," said Nobuo Tomita, a professor of politics at Meiji University.
    8. Mr Mavrodi, who won a parliamentary by-election on October 30, and Mr Alexei Mitrofanov, deputy LDP leader, want to create a new faction to push for legislation to counter the 'arbitrariness' of government.
    9. The LDP lost its majority in the less powerful upper house last year as a result of money and sex scandals involving the party's Cabinet members, and an unpopular consumption tax.
    10. Is not the LDP's economic programme - more arms sales, no more aid to the former Soviet republics, a boost for the public sector, a crackdown on crime - ridiculous in its simplicity?
    11. Sunday _ Voters give LDP a stinging electoral defeat, as the party loses control in the upper house of Parliament for the first time in 34 years.
    12. The sober-tied veterans of the LDP will spend longer in the opposition benches than they had ever imagined.
    13. In the current mood of the Japanese people, journalists and even some industrialists, giving power to the Socialists might be good for the LDP, cleansing it of past sins.
    14. But whether the Japanese public will be as impressed as the Yomiuri, which traditionally supports the LDP, remains to be seen.
    15. These meetings are attended by close to half of our 440 LDP Diet members.
    16. The LDP argues that tougher penalties imposed on the construction dango, or a long court case, would have damaged the expected recovery of the economy.
    17. They were unable to offer voters a choice of policies, unless they had the good fortune to be one of the few LDP men standing against a Socialist.
    18. Two of Mr. Takeshita's predecessors, including Mr. Nakasone, stumbled trying to introduce the tax because they couldn't rally the LDP rank and file around it.
    19. Urban voters want reform because the electoral system gives far greater weight to rural constituencies. These pressures are threatening to crack the LDP from within.
    20. If they fail, a political structure battered by the events of the past few months could begin to return to a familiar shape, with a dominant LDP surrounded by a band of directionless opposition parties.
    21. The country needs a clear line of political command, not the opaque policymaking of a faction-ridden LDP.
    22. But Mr Ozawa says he is confident that younger politicians will defect from the LDP if reform is brought to a parliamentary vote next week. 'Political reform will definitely be decided this year.
    23. On the other hand, there is a school of political gossips who prefer the simple alibi - that Mr Hosokawa had simply lost patience with the aggressive LDP's attempts to wreck his clean image.
    24. Working against the LDP is the JSP's 50,000-vote victory in the prefecture in the July upper-house election.
    25. Many party leaders fear the LDP could lose its crucial lower-house majority in elections sometime during the next year if the party doesn't select its leader wisely.
    26. "Without the farmers' rebellion against the LDP, the Socialist candidate couldn't have won in Niigata, which is traditionally a conservative stronghold," said Masumi Ishikawa, a political commentator for the national newspaper Asahi Shimbun.
    27. A former LDP secretary-general, Ichiro Ozawa, as expected, rejected requests by Takeshita faction members that he stand for election.
    28. Instead the socialists, the New Harbinger Party - another disaffected former coalition member - and the LDP closed ranks. 'This is typical of Mr Ozawa's high-risk tactics.
    29. Officials emphasised there had been no fundamental change in the traditional policies, and also promised to pursue more pragmatic policies in an attempt to prove the party was the real alternative to the LDP.
    30. The biggest straw in the wind was the public outrage over an unwanted 3% sales tax, demanded by the Ministry of Finance and approved in late 1988 by the LDP.
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