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 Kroll 添加此单词到默认生词本
[姓氏] 克罗尔

    1. With that in mind, Mr. Kroll said his firm is selling some of its holdings in stocks that have become takeover targets, such as Kraft and RJR Nabisco, and is slowly moving the funds into other so-called defensive issues.
    2. Eighty U.S. Forest Service firefighters from Wisconsin and Michigan arrived in Duluth on Sunday and were dispatched to fire zones, said Thomas Kroll at the Fire Center.
    3. Jeff Kroll, an engineer currently employed at Northrop, testified that certain circuitry in the guidance systems might fail during a launch.
    4. The first two days, Dr. Kroll collapsed into his sleeping bag and had to be awakened to eat.
    5. Hyatt, Peterson and Kroll, the company often charged the government for the same parts twice, and on several occasions threw away thousands of duplicate parts that had been charged to the government.
    6. B.A.T said it hired Kroll to determine the true owners of several "nominee companies" with interests in Hoylake.
    7. A spokesman for Kroll said the firm hadn't seen the suit and therefore declined comment.
    8. In his book The Whole Internet, Ed Kroll compares it to 'grabbing a handful of Jello - the firmer your grasp the more oozes down your arm'. Internet has three main uses.
    9. "It looks like the market is trying to figure out some new leadership, but by no means is it conclusive," said Steven A. Kroll, president of SLH Asset Management.
    10. Kroll appealed the ruling on libel to the 9th Circuit.
    11. The fund will be run by Hutton Asset Management Co., a new unit of Shearson, and it expects to attract as much as $3 billion, says Mr. Kroll.
    12. A spokesman for the New York firm of Kroll Associates, the other investigators involved, also declined to comment on the probe.
    13. In an internal memo, Alex Kroll, the agency's chairman, said Mr. Klein decided to remove himself to minimize "negative reaction" from prospective clients and others and to prepare for his defense.
    14. "They've swapped an American citizen's rights for what the Soviets want," said Kroll, who seeks payment of both a libel judgment and the cost of medical supplies which Gregorian sold to Soviet hospitals before he was expelled from that country.
    15. "It's really two against one," Kroll said of the U.S. and Soviet alignment in court.
    16. Attorney Jerry Kroll said both sides agreed to keep their financial agreement confidential.
    17. "We started with long-distance telephone records from the palace," says Daniel Karson, the managing director of Kroll Associates Inc., a New York investigative firm that has worked with Stroock.
    18. Alex Kroll, Young & Rubicam's chairman and chief executive officer, called the award "a singularly important achievement," and noted that "the competition for this account was intense and challenging."
    19. Mr. Valentini said that a 264-page report by Kroll Associates, a New York investigation concern, thoroughly explored all the issues and the matter has been closed.
    20. Mr. Kroll signed a letter of intent in Moscow early yesterday morning.
    21. Mr. Kroll, though, argues that all negative advertising defeats its purpose because it alienates so many voters. Negative ads, he says, help explain why voter turnout in the last few elections has been so poor.
    22. At corporate-security firm Kroll Associates, sensitive faxes are sent to a machine locked in the boss's office.
    23. "We've been overlooking an important factor," Kroll said in a telephone interview. "A lot of our patients believe in God and are interested in the church, but they aren't even asked about it.
    24. Marc Rich also sent copies of the telex to Jaraco S.A., a Geneva-based trading company that Mr. Kroll says is operated by Barzan Ibrahim and two Iranian brothers, Esfandiar and Bahman Bakhtiar.
    25. A copy of the suit couldn't be obtained yesterday, but a Justice Department spokeswoman confirmed that the U.S. has decided to intervene in portions of a complaint brought in 1987 by two former Northrop managers, David Peterson and Jeff Kroll.
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