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 Korean [kә'riәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 朝鲜人, 朝鲜语

a. 朝鲜人的, 朝鲜语的

    [ noun ]
    1. a native or inhabitant of Korea who speaks the Korean language

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the Altaic language spoken by Koreans

    4. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to or characteristic of Korea or its people or language

    2. <adj.pert>
      Korean handicrafts

    Korean \Korean\ prop. a.
    Of or pertaining to Korea; as, Korean handicrafts; the Korean
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Mayor David Dinkins condemned "eye for an eye" violence after a gang of blacks attacked three Vietnamese they mistook for Koreans, fracturing one man's skull blocks from a black boycott of two Korean stores.
    2. Since its founding in 1879, lawyers at the firm have helped organize U.S. Steel in the late 1880s, helped plan the construction of the Panama Canal and helped negotiate an end to the Korean War.
    3. The protesters blame the United States for supporting military rule in South Korea and partitioning the Korean Peninsula, divided since 1945.
    4. The government also sponsored an Olympic-style Pan-Korean athletic competition in late 1989 that drew 1,326 Korean competitors from 50 nations.
    5. Under Korean law, the parliamentary committee has the power to refer the case to the prosecution for legal action, but the prosecution must decide whether to act.
    6. The prime minister of North Korea will visit South Korean President Roh Tae-woo next week in what is viewed as a first step toward mutual recognition by the rival nations.
    7. A deranged South Korean taxi driver deliberately mowed down 19 people in Seoul, then injured 17 more by driving into the crowd which gathered to help his victims.
    8. South Korean President Roh Tae-woo left for San Francisco Sunday, saying that his talks with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev would open a new era in relations between the two once hostile nations.
    9. The government thwarted students' attempts to march to the bordertruce village of Panmunjom for a meeting with North Korean students June 10, when more than 10,000 students clashed with riot police.
    10. South Korean newspapers have attacked NBC for its coverage of an attack by South Korean boxing officials on a referee who awarded a match against a local favorite.
    11. South Korean newspapers have attacked NBC for its coverage of an attack by South Korean boxing officials on a referee who awarded a match against a local favorite.
    12. All of the Western firms sent letters of welcome said they would proceed with their applications, despite the high costs of setting up a Korean branch.
    13. North Korean soccer players are to visit Seoul later this month.
    14. The U.S. Coast Guard will also have unrestricted rights to board the Korean vessels as of the next fishing season.
    15. The CIA let North Korean agents smuggle high-performance Hughes helicopters out of the United States and withheld the information from law enforcement officials for nearly a year, according to an NBC News report.
    16. The U.N. Command today accused North Korea of trying to disrupt the 1988 Olympic Games by fabricating false claims that war is looming on the Korean peninsula.
    17. The official Xinhua news agency said Monday that Zhao left Sunday by special train for Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, on a goodwill visit.
    18. The American Battle Monuments Commission launched a national design competition Tuesday for the recently authorized Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington.
    19. The North Korean premier's car was damaged, and two of the official vehicles had to be left for tow trucks.
    20. The film's Korean title is "Mayumi," the false name used by the woman.
    21. The Korean peninsula was divided into the Communist North and capitalist South in 1945 and the two nations fought a civil war in the early 1950s.
    22. Combustion Engineering, a supplier of technical services and equipment to utilities and processing plants, said heavy components for the plants will be built by a South Korean construction company.
    23. Officially, the doors are still open for North Korean participation, but nobody expects athletes from the North to fill the rooms left empty for them at the athletes' village.
    24. Much of the advertising is for ethnic products, local merchants, real estate agents and other businesses catering to U.S. Asians. But more mainstream companies are testing campaigns in Korean, Chinese, Japanese and other Asian languages.
    25. National Assembly officials said a South Korean letter proposing the talks will be delivered to North Korea through Panmunjon, the border truce site, on Monday.
    26. The closed-end fund, with assets of about $200 million, is the largest of a handful of vehicles giving U.S. investors entry to the strictly regulated Korean stock market.
    27. Even in the face of popular demands for equitable growth and foreign pressure for trade liberalization, analysts agree the Korean economy isn't likely to be knocked off track.
    28. In the past, South Korean courts played a key role in helping enforce authoritarian rule.
    29. The Korean Air order also included two 747 freighters and one combination freight-passenger plane, bringing the total of the firm orders for aircraft and associated spare parts to about $1.5 billion.
    30. It said Korean Air had ruled out pilot error.
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