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 Kluge   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Mr. Kluge didn't return a call seeking comment on why he's buying.
    2. Metromedia is controlled by John Kluge.
    3. Musgrave, whose Agricultural Sporting Consultants Ltd. ran the shooting preserve for Kluge, said he assumed his gamekeepers would shoot hawks to protect the stock of pheasants.
    4. Last spring, Mr. Kluge, who had been invited in to save the company, pushed Mr. Krim out.
    5. One large Orion shareholder said he sold his stake in the $18-to-$19-a-share range, figuring that neither Mr. Kluge nor Mr. Redstone wanted to own the company outright.
    6. So desperate was Orion for financing recently that it agreed to give Mr. Kluge and another Metromedia executive a big cut of profits from its movie "Mermaids" in return for a $23 million cash infusion.
    7. While there has been speculation that Mr. Kluge will purchase the 34% of Orion Pictures he doesn't already own, he said he has no current plans to do so.
    8. She and Kluge contributed $200,000 to Virginia Gov. L. Douglas Wilder's campaign for election last November, and both served as chairmen of Wilder's inauguration festivities in January.
    9. The company, controlled by John Kluge, has sold its formerly vast television and entertainment empire and is boosting its presence in telecommunications.
    10. The transaction boosted Kluge's interest in Orion to 66.6% from 46.2%.
    11. Without elaborating, Mr. Kluge says the new tax legislation prompted him to sell off his various businesses.
    12. John Werner Kluge, United States, media, real estate, $5.2 billion.
    13. I don't know what he was mad at." Metromedia attorney Arnold Wadler called the verdict "fabulous" and said Kluge was "very satisfied." Kluge already has been awarded $4 million in damages from other lawsuits stemming from the sale.
    14. I don't know what he was mad at." Metromedia attorney Arnold Wadler called the verdict "fabulous" and said Kluge was "very satisfied." Kluge already has been awarded $4 million in damages from other lawsuits stemming from the sale.
    15. But others directly involved in the company say that after realizing the dire straits Orion was in about a year ago, Mr. Kluge became angry with Mr. Krim.
    16. The story of the second check was told by Patricia Kluge at the fund-raising reception at their estate.
    17. Forbes magazine ranked Kluge as America's richest man last October.
    18. "We're looking at everything," Mr. Kluge says, adding that the company is doing a "comprehensive study" of opportunities both in the U.S. and abroad, particularly in Europe and Asia.
    19. Blair would not divulge the amount of Kluge's estimated $5.2 billion fortune his wife is to receive.
    20. Last April, after failing to find a buyer for his stake in the company, Mr. Kluge moved away from a hands-off position and seized direct control of Orion and its board.
    21. Rauschenberg has already donated art work worth $500,000, said Patricia M. Kluge, a leader in the local effort.
    22. Metromedia Co. Chairman John Werner Kluge is worth an estimated $5.2 billion, but he had to back into first place on Forbes magazine's annual list of the 400 richest Americans.
    23. Metrocast, whose majority owner is multibillionaire John Kluge's Metromedia Co., began its system July 6.
    24. Mr. Krim, along with Messrs. Pleskow and Bernstein, started Orion in 1978, and is a longtime friend of Mr. Kluge.
    25. Kluge, owner of Metromedia Co., bought Fugazy Express car service in 1985 and sued two years later, claiming Fugazy lied about the company's finances.
    26. In 1972, Kluge paid $350,000 for an 18-room house located on a little more than an acre.
    27. Though Metromedia is planning to expand its long-distance operations, it remains unclear why Mr. Kluge has targeted an industry where profit margins are slim and competition is growing fiercer.
    28. You might as well live off interest on money." Kluge (pronounced kloogy), owns a 10,000-acre farm near Charlottesville, Va. and is worth about $5.6 billion, Forbes estimated in its 1990 ranking of richest Americans released earlier this month.
    29. Metromedia, based in Secaucus, N.J., has interests in telecommunications and other activities and is headed by billionaire John Kluge.
    30. Mrs. Kluge, who has received recent attention for taking personal trips with Virginia Gov. L. Douglas Wilder, did not speak during a 15-minute hearing in Albemarle County General District Court.
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