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 Kentucky [kәn'tʌki]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 肯塔基州

    [ noun ]
    a state in east central United States; a border state during the American Civil War; famous for breeding race horses

    Kentucky \Ken*tuck"y\, prop. n.
    One of the United States.

    {Kentucky blue grass} (Bot.), a valuable pasture and meadow
    grass ({Poa pratensis}), found in both Europe and America.
    See under {Blue grass}.

    {Kentucky coffee tree} (Bot.), a tall North American tree
    ({Gymnocladus Canadensis}) with bipinnate leaves. It
    produces large woody pods containing a few seeds which
    have been used as a substitute for coffee. The timber is
    very valuable.

    1. Pittston workers in Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky went on strike April 5 after working 18 months without a contract.
    2. The union also is engaged in a bitter strike against the Pittston Coal Group Inc. in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky.
    3. She married a plumber from Kentucky in Las Vegas 11 years ago and they live in a quiet, elm-shaded mobile-home park filled with retirees.
    4. At midday, showers extended from south-central Kansas across south-central Nebraska, over north-central Illinois, from Ohio and eastern Kentucky across western Pennsylvania, and from northeastern New York state across northern and central New England.
    5. The judge could have restricted the back-to-work order to West Virginia and parts of Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio, but ordered that it apply nationwide to all coal companies that have UMW contracts.
    6. Elsewhere, showers and thunderstorms were scattered over southern Texas, southeastern Louisiana, southern Georgia, eastern sections of the Atlantic Coast states and sections of Kentucky.
    7. The wildcat walkouts are in support of 1,900 UMW members who are on strike against Pittston in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky in a contract dispute.
    8. Ashland Oil, the US petroleum refiner, is to buy an extra 15 per cent stake in Ashland Coal for Dollars 110m, Reuter reports from Kentucky.
    9. Similarly, last year, the Courier-Journal printed an outstanding series on election fraud in Kentucky.
    10. The labor dispute has idled about 1,900 miners in Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky.
    11. Severe thunderstorms spawned six tornadoes in Illinois, five tornadoes in Indiana and four in Kentucky during the late afternoon and evening Friday.
    12. Allowed a woman charged with minor traffic violations to sue Kentucky law enforcement officials who strip-searched her after her arrest.
    13. In Kentucky, striking miners were happy with the tentative agreement announcement, said Bobby Roy Justice of District 30.
    14. The conditions also brought rain to Kentucky early today and cloudy or foggy skies to Massachusetts, New York, the Carolinas, Florida, Georgia and Oklahoma.
    15. One of Mahoney's last requests while waiting for the jury's verdict on Thursday was to meet with Kentucky State Police Trooper Henry "Sonny" Cease, who was the case's lead investigator.
    16. Stoye Milburn, 53, a painter from Kentucky, was towed in his yacht by a coast guard cutter to Puerto Sandino, 44 miles northwest of Managua.
    17. Yet another confrontation in Kentucky may develop after autos start rolling out of the Toyota plant.
    18. John M. Cranor III, a top executive at Pepsico Inc., was appointed Friday as president and chief executive of the food and soft drink maker's Kentucky Fried Chicken Corp. subsidiary.
    19. There also was some talk of demonstrating in Kentucky on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Day.
    20. At least four other states have school takeover laws, and two _ New Mexico and Kentucky _ have seized districts deemed failures.
    21. The National Transportation Safety Board, ending its inquiry into the May 1988 head-on collision that killed 24 children and three adults aboard a Kentucky church bus, adopted a long list of recommendations for federal and state officials Tuesday.
    22. Gore won six states: North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Nevada.
    23. Three Democratic congressmen were expected to sail to victory in November after walloping opponents in Kentucky primaries, one of them dubbed the nation's nastiest, as Idaho held contests in its two congressional districts.
    24. A libel case stemming from a Pulitzer Prize-winning series on improprieties in college athletics was reinstated April 26 against the Lexington Herald-Leader by the Kentucky Supreme Court.
    25. Indeed, the school has stepped up recruiting in states with a population more diverse than Kentucky's.
    26. But the coal in Kentucky and West Virginia generally is more efficient than that in Wyoming, Randolph said.
    27. At national headquarters, a spokesman and general counsel decline comment on specific issues in the case, but they are clearly not amused by the news out of Kentucky.
    28. Kentucky Fried Chicken donated 1,000 meals for the celebration, while 14 McDonald's employees from Hong Kong flipped 3,000 patties for Americans desperate for a taste of Big Macs.
    29. In the year-ago quarter, First Kentucky had net income of $14.1 million, or 63 cents a share.
    30. The author was pleased that it stuck faithfully to her story of Sam Hughes, a Kentucky teen-ager trying to learn more about her late father.
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