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 Kazuya 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Kazuya)人名;(日)葛屋 (姓)

  1. "My eyes well with tears at the thought of the work they are doing, " Kazuya Aoki, a safety official at Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, told Reuters.
    “一想到他们正在做的工作,我的眼睛就充满泪水” Kazuya Aoki,一位日本核电和工业安全机构的安全官员告诉路透社记者。
  2. "The United States withdrawing from Asia or cutting back its presence in Asia would constitute a drastic change to its current strategy," said Kazuya Sakamoto of Japan's Osaka University.
    日本大阪大学Kazuya Sakamoto表示:“美国若从亚洲撤军、或削减其在亚洲军事存在,将严重偏离其当前战略。 这等于承认美国时代的终结,这不可行。”
  3. She falls in love with Kazuya, an Okinawan fisherman, and promises her hand in marriage.
    有一天她爱上了同样住在冲绳的渔民和哉。 和哉答应恭子会和她结婚。

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