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 Karlsruhe ['kɑ: rlsˌru: ə]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. In the run-up to the decision, there had been widespread apprehension that the red-robed judges in Karlsruhe might tie the treaty in so many legal knots as to bring it crashing to the ground.
    2. If that were to mean a strike to preserve longer-term competitiveness, many would be prepared for that. There is a heavy concentration of such Mittelstand companies in north Baden-Wurttemberg, where the weekend talks took place in Karlsruhe.
    3. Two Canadian fighter jets collided over this southwestern German city during the early evening rush hour Tuesday, killing one of the pilots and showering sections of Karlsruhe with flaming debris, officials said.
    4. Burning debris, ripped from the Canadian Air Force F-18s during the collision, rained down on many Karlsruhe streets, with West German television quoting witnesses as saying the engine of one jet smashed into a building near a gas station.
    5. About 400 Greens delegates gathered during the weekend in Karlsruhe for a special party conference, during which a no-confidence vote was proposed.
    6. Sources have said those arrested planned an attack in a foreign country, not identified, but spokesman Alexander Prechtel of the chief federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe said Friday the target's nature was not clear.
    7. A spokesman for the federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe said Friday that a man was detained and questioned in Munich in connection with the investigation.
    8. The two pilots had taken off from Baden-Soellingen Air Base near Rastatt, about 25 miles southwest of Karlsruhe, police said.
    9. On March 31, an F-16 crashed into the town of Forst north of Karlsruhe, killing the pilot and a resident.
    10. However, the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe said the letter appeared to be authentic.
    11. They had taken off from Baden-Soellingen Air Base near Rastatt, about 25 miles southwest of Karlsruhe, police said.
    12. Speaking at a news conference yesterday in Karlsruhe, Mr. Rebmann said that six of the 10 suspects remained in jail.
    13. On Aug. 8, he and his brother Joerg were reunited in Karlsruhe with their sister Sabine, who had immigrated years earlier.
    14. Galinski, in an interview, said the Jewish Council had asked the Karlsruhe branch of the Bank Societe Generale Alsacienne for full financial records of Nachmann's transactions.
    15. Last March, in court number six of the Federal Supreme Court in Karlsruhe, the judge decided they were right.
    16. Alexander Prechtel, spokesman for the federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe, said in an interview that his office filed charges in absentia against the five on Sept. 13 and asked Bonn to seek extradition.
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