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 Juma 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "I must confess," sighs Mr. Juma, "it is very difficult for tourists to get to Zanzibar.
    2. Naji Juma Abu Afi, 27, died at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis of knife wounds suffered Sunday in nearby Bani Suhaila village, hospital officials said.
    3. "Juma's what we call a `two-stepper,' " said Greg Meyer, who trained for nearly a month with the Tanzanian at Alamosa, Colo., in preparation for the Boston Marathon.
    4. The race on Monday ended in the closest finish in the 92-year history of the Boston Marathon with Ibrahim Hussein of Kenya crossing the finish line a second ahead of Juma Ikangaa of Tanzania.
    5. The army confirmed that the body of Nabil Juma Farah, 30, had been found in the Aqbat Jaber refugee camp, but said it was investigating the cause of his death.
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