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 Joseph Haydn 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Year 2009 is known as the Haydn Year that marks the 200th anniversary of the death of Joseph Haydn (1732 to 1809).
  2. After hearing God Save the King played in LONDON, the Austrian musician Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) wrote a national anthem, for his own c country.
    奥地利作曲家约瑟夫·海顿(1732—1809)在伦敦听了英国国歌《 上帝保佑我正》后,也为自己的国家写了一首国歌。
  3. And there were family connections: Michael Haydn, Joseph's younger brother, also a musician, lived and worked in Salzburg, where Mozart was born and grew up. He was a friend of the Mozart family.
    他们之间还有一些家族联系:约瑟夫(Joseph)最年幼的弟弟,同时也是一位音乐家,迈克尔·海顿(Michael Haydn)曾工作于莫扎特出生并成长的萨尔茨保,是莫扎特家族的好友。

joseph haydn
[ noun ]
prolific Austrian composer who influenced the classical form of the symphony (1732-1809)

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