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 John Doe 添加此单词到默认生词本

    john doe
    [ noun ]
    1. a hypothetical average man

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an unknown or fictitious man who is a party to legal proceedings

    4. <noun.person>

    John \John\ (j[o^]n), n. [See {Johannes}.]
    A proper name of a man.

    {John-apple}, a sort of apple ripe about St. John's Day. Same
    as {Apple-john}.

    {John Bull}, an ideal personification of the typical
    characteristics of an Englishman, or of the English

    {John Bullism}, English character. --W. Irving.

    {John Doe} (Law), the name formerly given to the fictitious
    plaintiff in an action of ejectment. --Mozley & W.

    {John Doree}, {John Dory}. [John (or F. jaune yellow) +
    Doree, Dory.] (Zo["o]l.) An oval, compressed, European
    food fish ({Zeus faber}). Its color is yellow and olive,
    with golden, silvery, and blue reflections. It has a round
    dark spot on each side. Called also {dory}, {doree}, and
    {St. Peter's fish}.

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