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 Jiangxi   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Students at the middle school in her hometown in eastern China's Jiangxi province were ordered to bring in two yellow books apiece.
    2. The official Guangming Daily, blaming "wrong parental attitudes" for the dropout problem, said an investigation of four construction teams in Jiangxi province, southern China, found that nearly a quarter of the workers were children.
    3. Now the brothers are sitting in the Jiangxi Hotel room.
    4. In the Jiangxi case, local governments and industries have donated to a fund that will be invested, and parents of girls who are sterilized can receive payments after they reach age 55.
    5. He was born in 1908 in Jiangxi province in southeast China and educated by American Methodist missionaries.
    6. Sunday's editions of the Shanghai daily Wenhui Bao said temperatures in Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi province, have hit 100 degrees every day this month.
    7. One night in his Jiangxi Hotel room, he takes out his mother's picture, painted on porcelain, and props it up on the bed.
    8. The paper told the story of pig farmers in Jiangxi province who stuffed four tax collectors into a pig pen after the officials demanded payment.
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