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 Jerez   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a city in southwestern Spain that is famous for making sherry

    1. If Williams/Renault told Mansell he was 'excused driving' at Jerez, Suzuka or Adelaide, then the driver was to receive an additional Dollars 3m for hurt pride. Grand Prix racing remains an enigma.
    2. Because of a 34% decline in sherry exports from a 1979 peak of 152 million liters (about 40 million gallons), the Jerez sherry makers are cutting costs, axing jobs and branching out into other products.
    3. It breeds no flor and is said to have been common before phylloxera destroyed the Jerez vineyards at the end of the last century. Then, it became a rarity found in only one in every 3,000 casks.
    4. The Jerez firms have tried to offset the slump in a number of ways.
    5. One he showed me demonstrated how much influence a second-hand cask can have over the spirit which takes it over. He had aged two samples of plain ethyl alcohol, one in an old Limousin cognac barrel and the other in an old Jerez brandy cask.
    6. Cordoba - Granada: Glass of Jerez fino in hand, I stand at a swaying bar.
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