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 Jehovist   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Jehovist \Je*ho"vist\, n.
    1. One who maintains that the vowel points of the word
    Jehovah, in Hebrew, are the proper vowels of that word; --
    opposed to {adonist}.

    2. The writer of the passages of the Old Testament,
    especially those of the Pentateuch, in which the Supreme
    Being is styled Jehovah. See {Elohist}.

    The characteristic manner of the Jehovist differs
    from that of his predecessor [the Elohist]. He is
    fuller and freer in his descriptions; more
    reflective in his assignment of motives and causes;
    more artificial in mode of narration. --S. Davidson.

    Yahwist \Yah"wist\, n. Also Jahvist \Jah"vist\, Jahwist
    \Jah"wist\, older Jehovist \Je*ho"vist\
    The author of the passages of the Old Testament, esp. those
    of the Hexateuch, in which God is styled Yahweh, or Jehovah;
    the author of the Yahwistic, or Jehovistic, Prophetic
    Document (J); also, the document itself.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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