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 Jaume 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Jaume)人名;(西)豪梅;(法)若姆

  1. King Jaume II persuaded the Pope to permit him to reform Templar properties and bestow them upon a new Order based at the castle of Montesa.
  2. On september 26, the group “Castellers de Vilafranca” formed a human tower at Sant Jaume square during the annual festival of “La Merce” in Barcelona, Spain.
    9月26日,西班牙巴塞隆纳,一个表演小组”Castellers de Vilafranca”在圣? 詹姆斯广场上组成一个人塔以庆祝巴塞隆纳守护神圣梅尔塞节。
  3. Your director Jaume Collet-Serra said that in some of the more intense scenes it wasn"t you and that it would only be close-ups of you and he did not ask you to do a lot of the stuff. Is that true?"

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