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 Jamestown ['dʒeimztaun]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 詹姆斯敦

    [ noun ]
    a former village on the James River in Virginia to the north of Norfolk; site of the first permanent English settlement in America in 1607

    1. Although Miss Ball hadn't visited Jamestown since 1956 and had no family there, she stayed in touch with friends.
    2. So Ritter discussed a new identity with Loken, who called Duval, parochial vicar of St. James Roman Catholic Church in Jamestown.
    3. Ron Larson Al Levenberg Fred Lindgren, Denver Suzanne Marsh, 31, of Jamestown, R.I.
    4. Oct. 24 Jamestown (N.Y.) Post-Journal on the new trade bill: With the president's signature fresh on a new trade bill, a lot of Americans may think that our trade worries are over.
    5. Authorities said the investigation stemmed from the theft of explosives from the John Jay mine near Jamestown in September.
    6. The oil washed onto a sandy beach at Beaver Tail State Park and rocky shores south of Jamestown, across from Newport, said Chip Young of the environmental group Save the Bay.
    7. Critics have called Stevens, who was born Terry Ingstad in Jamestown, N.D., the "male Vanna White."
    8. At 11 p.m. Thursday, North Dakota wind chill indexes included 55 below in Fargo, 49 below in Jamestown and 43 below in Grand Forks.
    9. Although the comedian hadn't visited Jamestown since 1956 and had no family there, she regularly donated money to charities, civic events and Jamestown Community College, said Mayor Steven Carlson.
    10. Although the comedian hadn't visited Jamestown since 1956 and had no family there, she regularly donated money to charities, civic events and Jamestown Community College, said Mayor Steven Carlson.
    11. By 1611, Jamestown was well established and in 1619 the first legislature on these shores met there under a real government, not the mere agreement to live in an orderly fashion that is about all the Mayflower Compact amounts to.
    12. On this date: In 1608, John Smith was elected president of the Jamestown colony council in Virginia.
    13. Mary Fedorka, of Jamestown, N.Y., says she steps on rolls of toilet paper so they are harder for her grandchildren to spin.
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