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 Indian pudding 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Indian \In"di*an\ (?; 277), a. [From India, and this fr. Indus,
    the name of a river in Asia, L. Indus, Gr. ?, OPers. Hindu,
    name of the land on the Indus, Skr. sindhu river, the Indus.
    Cf. {Hindu}.]
    1. Of or pertaining to India proper; also to the East Indies,
    or, sometimes, to the West Indies.

    2. Of or pertaining to the aborigines, or Indians, of
    America; as, Indian wars; the Indian tomahawk.

    3. Made of maize or Indian corn; as, Indian corn, Indian
    meal, Indian bread, and the like. [U.S.]

    {Indian} bay (Bot.), a lauraceous tree ({Persea Indica}).

    {Indian bean} (Bot.), a name of the catalpa.

    {Indian berry}. (Bot.) Same as {Cocculus indicus}.

    {Indian bread}. (Bot.) Same as {Cassava}.

    {Indian club}, a wooden club, which is swung by the hand for
    gymnastic exercise.

    {Indian cordage}, cordage made of the fibers of cocoanut

    {Indian cress} (Bot.), nasturtium. See {Nasturtium}, 2.

    {Indian cucumber} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Medeola}
    ({Medeola Virginica}), a common in woods in the United
    States. The white rootstock has a taste like cucumbers.

    {Indian currant} (Bot.), a plant of the genus
    {Symphoricarpus} ({Symphoricarpus vulgaris}), bearing
    small red berries.

    {Indian dye}, the puccoon.

    {Indian fig}. (Bot.)
    (a) The banyan. See {Banyan}.
    (b) The prickly pear.

    {Indian file}, single file; arrangement of persons in a row
    following one after another, the usual way among Indians
    of traversing woods, especially when on the war path.

    {Indian fire}, a pyrotechnic composition of sulphur, niter,
    and realgar, burning with a brilliant white light.

    {Indian grass} (Bot.), a coarse, high grass ({Chrysopogon
    nutans}), common in the southern portions of the United
    States; wood grass. --Gray.

    {Indian hemp}. (Bot.)
    (a) A plant of the genus {Apocynum} ({Apocynum
    cannabinum}), having a milky juice, and a tough,
    fibrous bark, whence the name. The root it used in
    medicine and is both emetic and cathartic in
    (b) The variety of common hemp ({Cannabis Indica}), from
    which hasheesh is obtained.

    {Indian mallow} (Bot.), the velvet leaf ({Abutilon
    Avicenn[ae]}). See {Abutilon}.

    {Indian meal}, ground corn or maize. [U.S.]

    {Indian millet} (Bot.), a tall annual grass ({Sorghum
    vulgare}), having many varieties, among which are broom
    corn, Guinea corn, durra, and the Chinese sugar cane. It
    is called also {Guinea corn}. See {Durra}.

    {Indian ox} (Zo["o]l.), the zebu.

    {Indian paint}. See {Bloodroot}.

    {Indian paper}. See {India paper}, under {India}.

    {Indian physic} (Bot.), a plant of two species of the genus
    {Gillenia} ({Gillenia trifoliata}, and {Gillenia
    stipulacea}), common in the United States, the roots of
    which are used in medicine as a mild emetic; -- called
    also {American ipecac}, and {bowman's root}. --Gray.

    {Indian pink}. (Bot.)
    (a) The Cypress vine ({Ipom[oe]a Quamoclit}); -- so called
    in the West Indies.
    (b) See {China pink}, under {China}.

    {Indian pipe} (Bot.), a low, fleshy herb ({Monotropa
    uniflora}), growing in clusters in dark woods, and having
    scalelike leaves, and a solitary nodding flower. The whole
    plant is waxy white, but turns black in drying.

    {Indian plantain} (Bot.), a name given to several species of
    the genus {Cacalia}, tall herbs with composite white
    flowers, common through the United States in rich woods.

    {Indian poke} (Bot.), a plant usually known as the {white
    hellebore} ({Veratrum viride}).

    {Indian pudding}, a pudding of which the chief ingredients
    are Indian meal, milk, and molasses.

    {Indian purple}.
    (a) A dull purple color.
    (b) The pigment of the same name, intensely blue and

    {Indian red}.
    (a) A purplish red earth or pigment composed of a silicate
    of iron and alumina, with magnesia. It comes from the
    Persian Gulf. Called also {Persian red}.
    (b) See {Almagra}.

    {Indian rice} (Bot.), a reedlike water grass. See {Rice}.

    {Indian shot} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Canna} ({Canna
    Indica}). The hard black seeds are as large as swan shot.
    See {Canna}.

    {Indian summer}, in the United States, a period of warm and
    pleasant weather occurring late in autumn. See under

    {Indian tobacco} (Bot.), a species of {Lobelia}. See

    {Indian turnip} (Bot.), an American plant of the genus
    {Aris[ae]ma}. {Aris[ae]ma triphyllum} has a wrinkled
    farinaceous root resembling a small turnip, but with a
    very acrid juice. See {Jack in the Pulpit}, and

    {Indian wheat}, maize or Indian corn.

    {Indian yellow}.
    (a) An intense rich yellow color, deeper than gamboge but
    less pure than cadmium.
    (b) See {Euxanthin}.

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