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 Hungary ['hʌŋgәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 匈牙利

    [ noun ]
    a republic in central Europe

    Hungary \Hun"ga*ry\, n.
    A country in Central Europe, formerly a part of the
    Austro-Hungarian Empire.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    {Hungary water}, a distilled ``water,'' made from dilute
    alcohol aromatized with rosemary flowers, etc.

    1. Hungary, for example, lacks the domestic market of Poland, but embarked on market-type reforms much earlier while both the Hungarians and the Czechs have greater access to international capital markets.
    2. Monday night's rally was the largest unofficial demonstration in Hungary since an anti-Soviet uprising was crushed in 1956.
    3. He didn't say when he would return to Hungary.
    4. After four decades of communism in Eastern Europe, the first Peace Corps volunteers in Poland and Hungary are truly pioneers, Coverdell said.
    5. During the first five months of this year, 3,231 Romanians crossed ilegally into Hungary, deputy Interior Minister Zoltan Gal said last week.
    6. But no one here can answer it." In Budapest, a Hungarian official said the transfer of refugees was stalled because of fears over how Hungary's role would be viewed by allied East Germany.
    7. The leaders spoke at a ceremonial meeting of Parliament commemorating the 34th anniverary of Hungary's 1956 revolution, the bloodiest in the Soviet bloc.
    8. The difference is that comparatively affluent Hungary, with 20 years experience in tinkering with socialism, is the communist country best prepared to take the free-market plunge.
    9. Thousands cheered and people shouted "Long Live the King!" when Otto von Hapsburg and other members of the family left a church Monday after a Mass for his mother Zita, the last queen of Hungary.
    10. The decision has clearly embittered East Germany, whose hardline Communist leadership has been increasingly critical of Hungary's recent reforms and moves toward a multi-party democracy.
    11. Establishment of Hungary as a third transit point, in addition to Austria and Romania, is also expected to ease the processing of an increasing flow of Jews being allowed to leave the Soviet Union under the liberalized policies of Mikhail Gorbachev.
    12. This issue cannot be postponed until Poland and Hungary are at the gates, because the admission of the Finns and the Swedes will determine the institutional terms of the next enlargement.
    13. In the first half of the year, GM announces agreements giving the company manufacturing presences in Hungary, East Germany and the Soviet Union.
    14. In a separate action last week, the World Bank cleared a $70 million loan to Hungary for the modernization of agricultural processing facilities that account for a substantial portion of the country's exports and convertible currency earnings.
    15. On Tuesday, Premier Miklos Nemeth said Hungary's foreign debt was expected to reach $20 billion by the end of the year.
    16. Hungary in September became the first nation to restore ties, and Czechoslovakia was the second on Feb. 9.
    17. His busy schedule during his first official stay in Hungary called for 20 different interviews, speeches and meetings.
    18. Flight through Hungary began after its liberal communist regime decided in May to remove barbed wire and other barriers from the border with Austria.
    19. The U.S. government urged Hungary to permanently bar Edward Lee Howard, a defector wanted on an espionage charge who has made extended visits to the eastern block country, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
    20. The reporters and editors from Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland will start Sept. 4 in Washington with a two-seek orientation meeting.
    21. A rush of foreign investment, with a big dose of imported machinery, could batter Hungary's balance of payments and spur further price increases.
    22. Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia have announced troop cuts of their own and asked the Kremlin to withdraw all its forces from their territory.
    23. The 22-year-old East German who drowned in the Danube was the first casualty reported among the thousands of East Germans traveling to Hungary.
    24. Hungary and Poland have already drafted secured lending laws which draw heavily on the model.
    25. Like Hungary, they made a dramatic, peaceful switch from Communist dictatorship to democracy.
    26. Authorize $11 million in scientific and education exchanges along with medical assistance and help in building democratic institutions for Poland and Hungary.
    27. Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland all struggle to replace state-run economies with free markets, but their reforms remain tentative and fragile.
    28. Some rulers during Hungary's historical domination of Transylvania, it's true, also practiced harsh nationalization on their Romanian subjects, but the effect of these activities never equaled what is happening under the current totalitarian system.
    29. Two advocates of reform, in interviews published Saturday, said Hungary's new communist leaders can bring about change because they are younger and not responsible for years of stagnation.
    30. An absolute majority like that gained by the reformed communists in Hungary's elections on Sunday is normally cause for rejoicing.
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