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 Huang 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 黄

  1. Hello. This is George Richter. I'd like to speak to Mr. Huang, please.
  2. Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule.

  1. Following construction, which is due to start this autumn, a Huang & Danczkay subsidiary will operate the two terminals for 12 years and then turn them over to the Hungarian government.
  2. Mr. Huang and other researchers believe the silver oxide reduces resistances to current flow in the superconductive wafer.
  3. Fellow deputies cheered when Huang Xunxin, representing Taiwan, spoke out against the bill from the floor.
  4. Mr Huang reckons inflation could rise to an annual rate of 2,000 per cent this year. Given the political imperative of preserving stability in what is still a nuclear superpower, the scale of western assistance looks puny.
  5. Huang Shu-wek, one of the 12 lawmakers questioning the no-contact policy during a Legislative Yuan session, proposed a "temporary two-China policy" to precede eventual reunification.
  6. Since China began sending students overseas in 1979 as part of its general opening to the outside world, more than 40,000 state-funded students have gone to study in 70 countries, Huang said according to Xinhua.
  7. When they arrived, Huang and three others, pretending to be police and using Huang's club and handcuffs, robbed the farmers from the neighboring Guangxi autonomous region of 15 ounces of gold.
  8. When they arrived, Huang and three others, pretending to be police and using Huang's club and handcuffs, robbed the farmers from the neighboring Guangxi autonomous region of 15 ounces of gold.
  9. Mr. Huang and other analysts said that Ms. Kuo's softened stance seemed to take the edge off the market decline.
  10. Huang told a news conference the ban on business trips was lifted last week to encourage trade between Taiwan and the Soviet Union.
  11. "The government won't approve, but business will only increase," says Huang Hsing-kuo, chief secretary of the China External Trade Development Council.
  12. Another reporter, Antonio Jiang of Taiwan's Journalist Weekly, said he had been told by China's Ministry of State Security that Huang would not be allowed an attorney.
  13. "We are merely stating a political reality," Huang later told reporters.
  14. China on Tuesday deported Taiwanese reporter Huang Teh-pei after holding him for eight days, and the People's Daily said China acted leniently toward him for the sake of relations with Taiwan.
  15. "We and the Soviet people have the same hope, although we have great political differences," Huang said. "The people of both countries hope to carry out many economic exchanges.
  16. With effort Citifor has become profitable, recouped its losses and is now offering up profits to Citic.' Mr Huang said that difficult as these experiences abroad have been they were good for managers.
  17. At the Red Cross Hospital, a nurse who only identified herself as Huang, said a 43-year-old Chinese man was being treated.
  18. He forced us to contemplate our own link with Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first person ever to unite China, in 221 B.C.
  19. The first large exchanges began in 1978, said Huang Zhengdong, a Yale University law student who heads a semi-official organization of Chinese students in the United States.
  20. Authorities put Huang on a plane to Hong Kong Tuesday morning, eight days after arresting him.
  21. Mr. Huang says some companies are worried that if they start spending millions of dollars on foreign bonds and stocks, they will bring the tax collector to their doorstep.
  22. "They told me, `Tell the truth because everyone else has been caught, your friend Wang Dan and your driver,"' Huang said.
  23. Taiwan Aerospace's chairman, David Huang, once served as the president of the Tawian military's weapons-research lab and now is an adviser to Prime Minister Hau Pei-tsun.
  24. Huang estimated that an additional 3,000 students are financing their own overseas education.
  25. Huang Jie, division chief of the Jiangsu provincial foreign affairs office in Nanking, said no arrests have been made so far.
  26. In an attempt to narrow the gap between urban and rural health care, the Public Health Ministry has launched a program to emphasize the training of medical personnel in the countryside, Huang said.
  27. Last June, Huang Xinkai asked two farmers from his hometown to persuade five other peasants from the same village to come to the southern port city of Canton to sell gold, the local Yangcheng Evening News reported in its Thursday edition.
  28. But Ching Fong said any cooperation with Volkswagen would be Mr. Huang's personal investment, having nothing to do with San Yang.
  29. Nationalist Assemblyman Lee Hua-yang grabbed Huang's necktie. Huang punched back and the two rolled on the floor as others joined the pushing and shouting.
  30. Nationalist Assemblyman Lee Hua-yang grabbed Huang's necktie. Huang punched back and the two rolled on the floor as others joined the pushing and shouting.
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