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 Herricks anemia 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Bush tentatively planned to return to the White House by motorcade Monday, again passing up the speedier but costlier helicopter ride, Herrick said.
    2. I AM hurtling round a roundabout on the outskirts of Narbonne one morning in James Herrick's Alfa Romeo when his car phone bleeps.
    3. "She'll say 'To Bob' but she can't write all those notes," says Warner's head of publicity, Ellen Herrick.
    4. "It took me a year to get the plant back to where it was," Mr. Herrick says.
    5. Between 10 and 14 people were treated and released from Herrick Memorial Health Care Center for eye and skin irritation, firefighter David Ousterhout said.
    6. "People just come here because they know it's going to be nice and quiet," she said. "They aren't going to go screaming and raging." Sam Herrick, a 16-year-old student at The Gunnery, said the Stones weren't really anything new.
    7. ZEOS International rose 3 1/4 to 17 1/2, a move that its chairman, Gregory E. Herrick, is unable to explain.
    8. It was not clear whether she would be taken to a hospital or whether the ambulance actually was needed, said spokesman John Herrick.
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