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 Hartmans solution 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Timothy P. Hartman, vice chairman and chief financial officer of this regional banking company's NCNB Texas National Bank, was elected a director.
    2. Donna Hartman, the wife of then-Ambassador Arthur Hartman, took over the gardening at her residence.
    3. Donna Hartman, the wife of then-Ambassador Arthur Hartman, took over the gardening at her residence.
    4. The album is due out in late summer and will be followed by a national tour, Hartman said.
    5. Thomas Ledford and Harold Hartman campaigned in the April election to head the town of 264 residents.
    6. Feltner's mother, Shirley Hartman, said her son grew up a loner. She and his father split up three months before he was born, she said.
    7. Wearing her bulletproof vest, Mrs. Hartman evicts drug users and pushers, disperses loiterers and punishes litterers.
    8. The role models are good." At Tartan High School in the St. Paul suburb of Oakdale, Principal Lawrence Hartman said he takes a hard line against advertisements in schools.
    9. Our whole outlook is totally different," Hartman said Friday. "We've seen just about everything we're going to see as far as the road goes." Hartman said he's not sure how a younger generation will take to the original Doobies.
    10. Our whole outlook is totally different," Hartman said Friday. "We've seen just about everything we're going to see as far as the road goes." Hartman said he's not sure how a younger generation will take to the original Doobies.
    11. David Hartman, senior economist at Data Resources Inc. in Lexington Mass., said he believes the trade deficit, measured in dollar terms, peaked in the second quarter.
    12. That money will provide the support to grow deposits and make new loans." The bank is committed to making about $1.1 billion in mortgage loans to about 13,000 Texans in 1990, Hartman said.
    13. Mr. Rappaport, formerly a partner in the New York law firm of Hartman & Craven, will be in charge of finance operations and administration for Telerate, a supplier of computerized financial information.
    14. Hartman estimated the number was in the thousands, most of them along the Reading Prong, where 60 percent of the homes tested had levels above 4 picocuries.
    15. "It is a failed society, and a failed system of central control and central planning," Hartman said at a seminar sponsored by the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
    16. Fox's response, Ms. Hartman said, was that "We don't have any specific plans right now, but the door is open." In a prepared statement last week, Fox was not quite that optimistic.
    17. Arthur Hartman, the U.S. Ambassador to Moscow from 1981-1987, concurred that glasnost and perestroika were praiseworthy.
    18. "People are too trusting," says Jeffrey L. Hartman, one of the attorneys helping the state to sort out the Lemons case.
    19. The largest blaze, a 308-acre fire on Washington's Olympic Peninsula, was stopped dead by cooler, damper weather Monday, said Warren Hartman of the U.S. Forest Service.
    20. John Hartman, an Indianapolis real estate agent and chairman of Intertel's 1989 general assembly, said their bounty of brains shouldn't intimidate non-members.
    21. Arthur Hartman, a former ambassador to the Soviet Union, isn't going to any events, either.
    22. Eisenberg and Fred Hartman, acting director of biology at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, said 10 years was more likely.
    23. Former U.S. Ambassador Arthur Hartman on Thursday called the Soviet Union "a failed society" and said it may grant some independence to its Baltic republics to perk up the country's economy and to satisfy national aspirations.
    24. Woods was accused of taking $19,600 from Hartman to help the contractor get city housing contracts and expedite payments on a project.
    25. Jim Hartman, who is pursuing a master's degree in environmental education, teaches a course called Planet Management, focusing on issues like world hunger and politics.
    26. The federal government is still examining the decision, said Barry Hartman, the top environmental lawyer at the Department of Justice.
    27. I say this neighborhood ought to get along together." Ms. Hartman spends about $10,000 a month on 24-hour security for the complexes.
    28. Mr. Hartman and Mr. Hance were among the chief architects of the First RepublicBank deal, which involved creative tax strategies, analysts said.
    29. 'It has to be because that's the way health care will be delivered.' Once reimbursement is approved by the federal Medicare programme, which insures healthcare for the elderly, private insurers 'will fall into line,' predicts Hartman.
    30. "I think we've hit the worst of it," said David Hartman, senior economist at Data Resources Inc. in Lexington, Mass.
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