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 Gymnotus 添加此单词到默认生词本
(pl. -ti)裸背鳗属

    Gymnotus \Gym*no"tus\ (j[i^]m*n[=o]"t[u^]s), n. [NL., fr. Gr.
    gymno`s naked + nw^tos the back: cf. F. gymnote.] (Zo["o]l.)
    A genus of South American fresh-water fishes, including the
    {Gymnotus electricus}, or electric eel. It has a greenish,
    eel-like body, and is possessed of electric power.

    One fearful shock, fearful but momentary, like that
    from the electric blow of the gymnotus. --De Quincey.

    Electric \E*lec"tric\ ([-e]*l[e^]k"tr[i^]k), Electrical
    \E*lec"tric*al\ ([-e]*l[e^]k"tr[i^]*kal), a. [L. electrum amber,
    a mixed metal, Gr. 'h`lektron; akin to 'hle`ktwr the beaming
    sun, cf. Skr. arc to beam, shine: cf. F. ['e]lectrique. The
    name came from the production of electricity by the friction
    of amber.]
    1. Pertaining to electricity; consisting of, containing,
    derived from, or produced by, electricity; as, electric
    power or virtue; an electric jar; electric effects; an
    electric spark; an electric charge; an electric current;
    an electrical engineer.

    2. Capable of occasioning the phenomena of electricity; as,
    an electric or electrical machine or substance; an
    electric generator.

    3. Electrifying; thrilling; magnetic. ``Electric Pindar.''
    --Mrs. Browning.

    4. powered by electricity; as, electrical appliances; an
    electric toothbrush; an electric automobile.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    {Electric atmosphere}, or {Electric aura}. See under {Aura}.

    {Electrical battery}. See {Battery}.

    {Electrical brush}. See under {Brush}.

    {Electric cable}. See {Telegraph cable}, under {Telegraph}.

    {Electric candle}. See under {Candle}.

    {Electric cat} (Zo["o]l.), one of three or more large species
    of African catfish of the genus {Malapterurus} (esp. {M.
    electricus} of the Nile). They have a large electrical
    organ and are able to give powerful shocks; -- called also

    {Electric clock}. See under {Clock}, and see

    {Electric current}, a current or stream of electricity
    traversing a closed circuit formed of conducting
    substances, or passing by means of conductors from one
    body to another which is in a different electrical state.

    {Electric eel}, or {Electrical eel} (Zo["o]l.), a South
    American eel-like fresh-water fish of the genus {Gymnotus}
    ({G. electricus}), from two to five feet in length,
    capable of giving a violent electric shock. See

    {Electrical fish} (Zo["o]l.), any fish which has an
    electrical organ by means of which it can give an
    electrical shock. The best known kinds are the {torpedo},
    the {gymnotus}, or {electrical eel}, and the {electric
    cat}. See {Torpedo}, and {Gymnotus}.

    {Electric fluid}, the supposed matter of electricity;
    lightning. [archaic]

    {Electrical image} (Elec.), a collection of electrical points
    regarded as forming, by an analogy with optical phenomena,
    an image of certain other electrical points, and used in
    the solution of electrical problems. --Sir W. Thomson.

    {Electric machine}, or {Electrical machine}, an apparatus for
    generating, collecting, or exciting, electricity, as by

    {Electric motor}. See {Electro-motor}, 2.

    {Electric osmose}. (Physics) See under {Osmose}.

    {Electric pen}, a hand pen for making perforated stencils for
    multiplying writings. It has a puncturing needle driven at
    great speed by a very small magneto-electric engine on the

    {Electric railway}, a railway in which the machinery for
    moving the cars is driven by an electric current.

    {Electric ray} (Zo["o]l.), the torpedo.

    {Electric telegraph}. See {Telegraph}.

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