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 Greenwich ['grinwɪtʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 格林威治

  1. Or you could live in Greenwich Village.
  2. The time was10:35 hours Greenwich Mean Time.
  3. A tribe of artists live in Greenwich Village.

[ noun ]
a borough of Greater London on the Thames; zero degrees of longitude runs through Greenwich; time is measured relative to Greenwich Mean Time

  1. During a similar project in Greenwich, they were 'shocked' at the public reaction. Expecting the worst, I looked concerned.
  2. Warren Greene, who runs a $12 million high-yield portfolio at his American Investors Income Fund Inc. in Greenwich, Conn., said he doesn't think it's likely anyone will bid for CenTrust's entire junk portfolio because the market is so weak.
  3. In fact, executive suburbs such as Greenwich seem to be holding their coveted position in U.S. education.
  4. "He's becoming a joke," said Jack Trout, president of Trout & Ries, a marketing consulting firm in Greenwich, Conn.
  5. He said he was just taking it for precaution," said Steve McDow, a salesman at the Super Handy Hardware Center in Greenwich.
  6. The Trumps have homes in Greenwich, Palm Beach, Fla., and New York.
  7. Davis lives with his wife, son and daughter in Greenwich, an affluent New York suburb.
  8. 'There is no doubt that any surplus stock will be quickly used.' White spirit products - boosted by the new joint venture distillery at Greenwich - rose 68 per cent.
  9. And I said `No, I'm going to call him up.' "And darn if he didn't say `Yes, I'd love to go out to Greenwich and see the birds" at the National Audubon Society Bird Sanctuary in Connecticut.
  10. So charges a report by a community board that represents several Manhattan neighborhoods, including Greenwich Village, where it found that some narrow, winding streets "have become impassable."
  11. Both artists and the Chinese government receive a share of the profits from sales, said Liu Kuifang, director of the China project for Greenwich Workshop.
  12. Jones, designer of the Queen's House in Greenwich, introduced the Palladian style to Britain.
  13. Mr. Browne, the chairman, said Friday that Greenwich has obtained the results of one placebo-controlled study and should have the other one in hand next month.
  14. The services most commonly covered by such agreements include performance measurement, on-line stock quotation services and corporate databases, according to Greenwich. They could lead to excessive charging by fund managers.
  15. The Journal Tribune of Biddeford-Saco, Maine, was named the top daily among those with a circulation of 12,000 to 19,999. Merit awards went to Greenwich Time and The Daily News of Newburyport.
  16. Today he lives in a 250-year-old house in Greenwich that is paneled with wood from Daniel Webster's home; monogrammed cocktail napkins carrying the words "Applejack Farm," the 17th-century name of the property, sit on the coffee table.
  17. Enrollment has nearly doubled to more than 4,000 men and women annually over the past few years, according to Donna Thompson, spokeswoman for Outward Bound USA national headquarters in Greenwich, Conn.
  18. Bush then traveled to Greenwich, Conn., where he visited his ailing 87-year-old mother, Dorothy Walker Bush, for about an hour and a half.
  19. The production designs by Neil Peter Jampolis are meager and unnecessary, looking as if they were an afterthought, added only to spruce up the show for its move to Broadway after a run of several months at a Greenwich Village nightclub.
  20. "I think it's a good idea as long as it's not so restrictive that people in homes can't make some additions and it doesn't influence the architecture," said Bett McCarthy, executive director of the Greenwich Board of Realtors.
  21. American Brands, based in Greenwich, said it will buy back seven companies including five that it expects will accelerate development of its emerging core businesses in hardware and home products and office products.
  22. He admitted he falsified business records so that $3 million spent on Harry and Leona Helmsley's Greenwich, Conn., mansion would appear as business expenses for their hotels and other properties.
  23. However, royal life at Greenwich was largely about rest and recreation, banquets and hunting.
  24. Phibro Energy Inc., a Greenwich, Conn., subsidiary of Salomon Inc., owns the cargo here.
  25. The child was removed unconscious from Steinberg's Greenwich Village apartment in 1987 and died of a brain injury three days later.
  26. The "London effect," party leader Neil Kinnock told a group of reporters this week, played a big role in Labor's crushing defeat in the Feb. 26 special election for a Greenwich parliamentary seat held by the party for more than 50 years.
  27. What is left out of his analysis, and is more important than the influence of the university or the fate of Greenwich Village, is the possibility of the exhaustion of certain ideologies, lines of thought.
  28. David P. Usher, Greenwich Workshop president, defined contemporary realism as paintings "you can look at and you know what it is." A total of 110 paintings from 30 Chinese artists are included in the current show.
  29. A Song at Twilight is Coward's most adult play, and so this revival does him honour. At the Greenwich Theatre, SE10.
  30. Converse Inc. has James Dean, fire-engine red and Greenwich Village to thank for reviving sales of canvas sneakers at the company whose reputation was built on an Indiana basketball player named Chuck Taylor.
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