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 Ghanaian [gɑ:'neiən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 加纳人
n. 加纳人

    [ adj ]
    of or relating to or characteristic of Ghana or its people or language
    Ghanaian cocoa production

    Ghanaian \Ghanaian\ adj.
    1. of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Ghana; as, Ghanaian

    Syn: Ghanian, Ghanese.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    2. of or pertaining to Ghana. Ghanaian cocoa production

    Syn: Ghanese, Ghanian.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. There are 450 Ghanaian soldiers in Rwanda under a Canadian general. In Rome, Mr Antonio Martino, Italian foreign minister, sharply criticised the French proposal, voicing fears any white troops entering Rwanda would be 'torn to shreds'.
    2. 'We want the biggest spread of high-quality, long-term investors we can get.' Of the 21.4m shares on offer, 17.9m are being sold by the Ghanaian government and issued by Ashanti.
    3. Fusing traditional Yoruba folk tunes with Ghanaian highlife, the twenty voices, electric guitars and talking drums make intoxicating dance music.
    4. Jerry Rawlings, the Ghanaian leader, took personal command of the military.
    5. Over the weekend, Ghanaian warplanes also bombed Taylor's forces in retaliation for shelling that killed five people on a ship and at the West African force's headquarters in Monrovia.
    6. Ghanaian leader Jerry Rawlings said he would run in the first free presidential elections since he seized power 11 years ago, Reuter reports from Accra.
    7. The talks are unlikely to advance quickly. Peace talks aimed at ending the five-year-old war in Liberia resume today in the Ghanaian capital, Accra.
    8. Alexander, identified as managing director of Exotic Fauna International, and Ghanaian wildlife exporters Christian Leslie Mills and Wabi Bello were held over for court appearances Wednesday.
    9. In Ghana, the IFC claims an oil-exploration program it is helping is private, but the Ghanaian government owns substantial shares in the corporation.
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