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 Gener 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Gener)人名;(法)热内;(西)赫内尔;(土)盖内尔

  1. For dangerous and poisonous cargo, the nature and the gener- ally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.
    对于危险品和有毒的货物,在每件包装上应有醒目的标记及性质说 明。
  2. It also has a peculiar office, at the bottom of a pile of Narcissus dense ball of white Gener, like the grandfather of the white beard!
  3. The proposed algorithms are suitable for software implementations on gener- al-purpose microprocessors, and can be used in public key cryptographic applications such as RSA and ECC.
    本文算法主要适用于软件实现,在RSA 和ECC 等公钥体制实现中有广泛的应用。

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