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 Francophone ['fræŋkəufəun]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (尤指在使用两种或多种语言国度里的)操法语者,讲法语的(当地)人

    Francophone \Francophone\, Francophonic \Francophonic\prop. a.
    Able to communicate in the French language; -- used
    especially of those whose native language is French.

    Syn: French-speaking.

    1. "I told the summit in Casablanca that I would go farther and today I am keeping this promise," Mitterrand told the 16 heads of state Wednesday at the Francophone Summit.
    2. The farmer, of course, bought another. The Renault 4 still lives on in one or two Francophone third world countries, but failure to meet crash safety and emission laws sealed its fate in Europe. What will replace it?
    3. Such cultural activists have a point, beautifully exemplified by the absurdity of schoolchildren in post-colonial Francophone Africa learning to read with the standard old French primer that began: "Nos ancetres les Gaulois."
    4. Some go smoothly; others are still raw, the actors improvising their way through scenes, slowed at times by Francophone cast members who have difficulty extemporising in English. At the end of each session, the company sits down to talk.
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