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 Florence flask 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 平底烧瓶
【医】 弗洛朗斯氏烧瓶

    Flask \Flask\, n. [AS. flasce, flaxe; akin to D. flesch, OHG.
    flasca, G. flasche, Icel. & Sw. flaska, Dan. flaske, OF.
    flasche, LL. flasca, flasco; of uncertain origin; cf. L.
    vasculum, dim. of vas a vessel, Gr. ?, ?, ?. Cf. {Flagon},
    1. A small bottle-shaped vessel for holding fluids; as, a
    flask of oil or wine.

    2. A narrow-necked vessel of metal or glass, used for various
    purposes; as of sheet metal, to carry gunpowder in; or of
    wrought iron, to contain quicksilver; or of glass, to heat
    water in, etc.

    3. A bed in a gun carriage. [Obs.] --Bailey.

    4. (Founding) The wooden or iron frame which holds the sand,
    etc., forming the mold used in a foundry; it consists of
    two or more parts; viz., the cope or top; sometimes, the
    cheeks, or middle part; and the drag, or bottom part. When
    there are one or more cheeks, the flask is called a three
    part flask, four part flask, etc.

    {Erlenmeyer flask}, a thin glass flask, flat-bottomed and
    cone-shaped to allow of safely shaking its contents
    laterally without danger of spilling; -- so called from
    Erlenmeyer, a German chemist who invented it.

    {Florence flask}. [From Florence in Italy.]
    (a) Same as {Betty}, n., 3.
    (b) A glass flask, round or pear-shaped, with round or
    flat bottom, and usually very thin to allow of heating

    {Pocket flask}, a kind of pocket dram bottle, often covered
    with metal or leather to protect it from breaking.

    Florence \Flor"ence\, n. [From the city of Florence: cf. F.
    florence a kind of cloth, OF. florin.]
    1. An ancient gold coin of the time of Edward III., of six
    shillings sterling value. --Camden.

    2. A kind of cloth. --Johnson.

    {Florence flask}. See under {Flask}.

    {Florence oil}, olive oil prepared in Florence.

    Betty \Bet"ty\, n.
    1. [Supposed to be a cant word, from Betty, for Elizabeth, as
    such an instrument is also called Bess (i. e., Elizabeth)
    in the Canting Dictionary of 1725, and Jenny (i. e.,
    Jane).] A short bar used by thieves to wrench doors open.
    [Written also {bettee}.]

    The powerful betty, or the artful picklock.

    2. [Betty, nickname for Elizabeth.] A name of contempt given
    to a man who interferes with the duties of women in a
    household, or who occupies himself with womanish matters.

    3. A pear-shaped bottle covered round with straw, in which
    olive oil is sometimes brought from Italy; -- called by
    chemists a {Florence flask}. [U. S.] --Bartlett.

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