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 FSLIC 添加此单词到默认生词本
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation(美国) 联邦储蓄与贷款保险公司

    1. The transfer of funds will leave the FSLIC, which is managed by the Bank Board, severely depleted.
    2. He called it a good deal for the FSLIC, the agency that insures deposits, and for depositors.
    3. In Amarillo, Gov. Clements sent depositors running for their money after he predicted that the beleaguered FSLIC insurance fund wouldn't fully back deposits.
    4. Its problems began in 1983 and 1984, when it originated many commercial and realty loans that later defaulted, the FSLIC said.
    5. To keep the special assessment in place this year, the Bank Board has had to certify that the FSLIC needs the funds.
    6. The effect of the new $1.3 billion FSLIC restructuring will be that "any claims against Vernon will stay with Vernon, they don't go along with Montfort," said Jonathon K. Heffron, executive vice president of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas.
    7. At the same time, Ford estimated that its proposal would cost the FSLIC about $1.4 billion if interest rates remained stable, but would cost more if rates rise.
    8. GlenFed's year-earlier net was boosted by a tax benefit of $11.4 million but reduced by an after-tax FSLIC write-off of $5.1 million.
    9. The board kept the bank open through tortuous negotiations with Bass, running 186 branches in California, and has tried to retain customers by guaranteeing deposits even beyond the normal $100,000 FSLIC insurance limit.
    10. Officials familiar with the negotiations said the Bass Group's bid sought less FSLIC assistance than Ford's, but is structured differently and involves a somewhat smaller infusion of cash.
    11. The now-defunct FSLIC sold 15 other Southwest Plan institutions, with substantial government assistance, but was unable to unload Sunbelt.
    12. HomeFed's main thrift unit won Bank Board approval to leave the bankrupt FSLIC.
    13. "Such functions could be done by a combination of other private sector asset management firms, receivership employees and FSLIC headquarters and regional employees," the GAO said.
    14. Mr. Falik is quick to point out that FSLIC benefits, too.
    15. He warned that there is a "perception that without the moratorium there may be a major exodus from the FSLIC" to the sounder Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
    16. So, if the FSLIC wins a pending $5 million negligence suit against former directors and officers of Home Savings, the agency will be able to collect from CNA.
    17. Regulators have announced three consolidations of 11 thrifts in Texas since February involving $2.2 billion in FSLIC aid.
    18. Sen. Proxmire proposed legislation that would raise only half the money that the Reagan administration wants for the ailing FSLIC.
    19. The GAO is analyzing the FSLIC's finances to determine whether it faces a cash crunch in the future.
    20. So far, the FSLIC has received all of its money through an assessment on the industry.
    21. Among other things, the FSLIC suit says that Vernon frequently made loans without proper documentation, usually for the full amount plus interest without recourse to the borrower.
    22. The FSLIC ended last year technically bankrupt, a federal audit shows.
    23. Vernon had extensive business dealings with Mr. Gaubert's Independent American and a history of FSLIC disciplinary actions, the latest being a July 1986 order to "cease and desist" certain loan practices.
    24. In return, the FSLIC usually demands a profit-sharing pact and an option for an equity stake in the thrift.
    25. Mr. Wright's letter came just days after he had delayed House consideration of a bill sought by regulators to inject $15 billion into FSLIC.
    26. The action comes a week after FSLIC's auditor, Congress's General Accounting Office, said that the insurance fund, an arm of the Bank Board, is insolvent and will need $26 billion to $36 billion to restore its sick member thrifts to health.
    27. Although final terms aren't yet negotiated, the transaction could be very costly for the FSLIC.
    28. The burgeoning number of savings and loan failures in Texas and elsewhere placed enormous strains on the FSLIC fund, which insures deposits in federal and state-chartered savings and loan associations.
    29. The gimmick, known as a "pocket charter," was designed to allay fears by thrift acquirers that the FSLIC or a successor agency might default on its notes.
    30. It soon became clear that legal and financial tangles made it impractical for FADA to take title to real-estate owned by FSLIC receiverships.
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