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 Eurocentric   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    focussed on Europe and the Europeans

    1. In such a place in such a town in such a county, it was hard to imagine that one was being subtly urged to push aside Eurocentric, white-male-dominated culture to make way for new "multicultural" voices of oppressed peoples from hither and yon.
    2. Entries for the IGCSE rose to 38,000 in 1992, up 50 per cent on last year. The UCLES says the IGCSE is 'not simply an expatriate version' of the GCSE, but is based on an international curriculum, 'free from Anglocentric or even Eurocentric bias'.
    3. Like the first report, this one finds that school texts reflect a heavily "Eurocentric" bias.
    4. Appeals to reason are denounced as "Eurocentric."
    5. I regret the note of Europhobia that sometimes emerges in vulgar attacks on "Eurocentric" curriculums.
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