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 Edith   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. She has been compared with Western stars like Marlene Dietrich, Billie Holiday and Edith Piaf, and the late Egyptian singer Umm Kalthoum.
    2. As her correspondence bears all the charming acuity of her best fiction, "The Letters of Edith Wharton" (Scribner's, 654 pages, $29.95) is a valuable literary chronicle.
    3. This week's appointment of Edith Cresson as France's prime minister may stiffen the EC position.
    4. It was politically convenient that the American Edith Piaf should have come from Harlem.
    5. Poor Edith Davis had to sing Tatiana's vocally demanding Letter Scene with Onegin galumphing silently around the room.
    6. "Some of these pieces will be shrouded in mystery for the rest of their existence," said Linda Weintraub, curator of the Edith C. Blum gallery.
    7. French Prime Minister Edith Cresson, for example, denounced the paper even before she had seen it.
    8. Edith was stifled by her responsibilities in running his elaborate household and serving as his nurse/companion.
    9. During a negotiating session in Brussels earlier this year, French European Affairs Minister Edith Cresson declared that "the final aim" of the Japanese car makers is "to conquer market share and then kill" their European competitors.
    10. Martin Scorsese scatters his adaptation of Edith Wharton's The Age Of Innocence with luminaries from today's movie costume genre.
    11. Or will decency and dynastic imperative turn Day-Lewis back to dull virtue? Edith Wharton's world was one where snobbery and puritanism dined at the same table.
    12. Edith M. Lederer is an AP correspondent based in London who covers Romanian affairs.
    13. A newly released FBI memo, which remained classified until last year, shows the FBI knew in 1961 that Anita Edith Schneider, the woman who accused Wilkinson of being a Communist, had "exhibited emotional instability" at a 1955 hearing.
    14. It is perfect that Marsden's first word, 'Violent,' should evoke Edith Evans (the full trisyllabic emphasis deployed in Evans's Millamant).
    15. At an arraignment Wednesday where she was charged with homicide and reckless endangerment, Edith Anderson, 31, asked why she was being charged rather than her doctors.
    16. I feel very bad and shocked," said Edith Tongue, who has lived in her small house for about 15 years.
    17. In addition, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) yesterday mentioned Edith Jones, 38, a federal appeals court judge in Houston and a former bankruptcy lawyer in Treasury Secretary James Baker's old law firm.
    18. Mimi's mother, Edith Harvey, 41, died Jan. 31 of diabetes-related causes.
    19. After about two miles walking I met Derek and Edith, part of a seven-strong team from Northamptonshire police, doing the cross-coast walk for charity.
    20. Thought for Today: "There's no such thing as old age; there is only sorrow." _ Edith Wharton, American author (1862-1937).
    21. State radio said the marriage of Bongo and Edith Sassou Nguesso, a 27-year-old doctor, took place in a family ceremony in Oyo, the home village of President Denis Sassou Nguesso about 250 miles north of Brazzaville.
    22. One year ago: During his visit to West Germany, Pope John Paul II beatified Edith Stein, a Jewish-born Carmelite nun who was gassed in the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz during the Holocaust.
    23. Combining television and nuclear fuel activities is the first step in a broader plan by Prime Minister Edith Cresson to reorganize some of France's troubled state-owned companies.
    24. "I agree it was a bad war," but Mr. Clinton "should have gone along with his country," says Edith Pontius, a 57-year-old homemaker and a political independent who voted for Mr. Bush last time but now is undecided.
    25. Three other Treasury jobs were announced: Edith E. Holiday for general counsel, Charles H. Dallara, assistant secretary for international affairs, and Hollis S. McLoughlin, assistant secretary for policy development.
    26. Who could have foreseen that by 1993 the videocassette, once the wonder of the home-viewing age, would seem as old and demode as Aunt Edith's aspidistra? The new phenomenon is the laser disc.
    27. "I prefer other companies in the energy group," says Edith Barschi, a Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. analyst.
    28. The maestro (who narrates the story in letters to his wife, Edith) arrives in Paris from Budapest feeling like a rube.
    29. Edith Puechner, 52, a high school teacher from Leipzig, said things are happening too quickly for people to adapt.
    30. Christie's expects over $50 million for 28 works owned by the late William and Edith Mayer Goetz; that's probably 10% more than the firm would have estimated a year ago, Senior Vice President Michael Findlay says.
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