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 Dunn 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. His performance on "Saturday Night Live" prompted boycotts of the program by cast member Nora Dunn and singer Sinead O'Connor.
    2. I don't know where I get it," a frail but vibrant Mrs. Scales said at a meeting Sunday with Smith President Mary Maples Dunn.
    3. The wolf was temporarily quarantined, Dunn said.
    4. Mr Dunn said Philips might also consider building the plant with other semiconductor makers, thereby spreading the cost.
    5. By law, Ms. Dunn said, state officials cannot release results of the inspection until it is complete and Boeing has been informed of the findings.
    6. Carole Nigro, Mrs. Dunn's mother, said the high court should have specifically barred Heffernan from hearing domestic cases.
    7. Here many singers now famous - Mignon Dunn, George Shirley, Neil Shicoff - made early appearances.
    8. "I don't want to be associated with him and I oppose his work," said Miss Dunn, who has been on the NBC comedy show since the 1985-86 season.
    9. Valvano said the police and firefighters blame Hardwick, but think Dunn is overreacting to the budget problems.
    10. Home buyers should "put a pencil to it and decide how much more they're going to pay to avoid coming up with the money right away," says Christopher Dunn, a senior vice president of Boston Five Mortgage Corp.
    11. After gulping 13 Moon Pies in 10 minutes to win the World Championship Moon Pie Eating Contest, David Dunn was ready to celebrate.
    12. A June 1991 letter from Gibson Dunn to Mr. Klarfeld indicates that the bugging device is now "in General Dynamics' custody." Ms. McClelland pointed to three instances in which government officials were made aware of the bugging.
    13. Dunn refused to disclose sales and revenue figures for the firearms division.
    14. The architect is Lane Pettigrew and completion is scheduled for July. Also due for completion in July is a Pounds 300,000 office extension in Kingston, Jamaica, for Dunn Cox & Orrett.
    15. Gibson Dunn more than tripled in size to about 700 lawyers between 1980 and 1991.
    16. He rode his bike to Yankee Stadium," Detective John Hennessy said last year after he and Detective Jerry Dunn finally got enough evidence to arrest Lozado.
    17. Riegle raised $4 million for his campaign, while Dunn was forced to spend about $260,000 from his own pocket.
    18. "I couldn't believe what I had seen," Dunn said. "I thought I was having a nightmare."
    19. Jennifer Dunn, the Republican national committeewoman from Foley's home state of Washington, said she had received "very few calls" about the memo.
    20. He is the fourth director to buy stock this year following Lord Brabourne, the chairman, Richard Dunn, the chief executive, and Sir Paul Fox. Key to sectors: BdMa = Building Materials; Brew = Brewers & Distillers; BuSe = Business Services.
    21. In Elizabeth, Mayor Thomas G. Dunn said city inspectors would put at least seven illegal nightclubs out of business in light of new attention drawn by the Happy Land Social Club in the Bronx.
    22. Yesterday Martin Dunn, editor of Today - Britain's fastest growing newspaper - joined the westbound trek. Dunn had been pinning his hopes on getting the editorship of one of New York's ailing daily newspapers.
    23. Yesterday Martin Dunn, editor of Today - Britain's fastest growing newspaper - joined the westbound trek. Dunn had been pinning his hopes on getting the editorship of one of New York's ailing daily newspapers.
    24. Julian Rivers has been appointed commercial development director of PENTOS; he is succeeded as marketing director of Dillons by Stephen Dunn, formerly marketing director of Thorntons.
    25. Dunn said over 98 percent of the doctors here pass the final.
    26. In Michigan, Dunn defeated Robert Huber _ like him, a former congressman and a millionaire _ for a chance to face Riegle, who had no primary opposition in his bid for a third term.
    27. "I don't know whether it's the wrath of God, but if it isn't it should be," Huber said when asked about Dunn's remarks.
    28. After that, "I just couldn't take it anymore." Early Friday morning, Dr. George Dunn of Glen Cove Community Hospital, who was on the scene, said rescuers had counted 40 to 50 dead.
    29. There are some very skillful politicians in Hong Kong, such as Dame Lydia Dunn and Martin Lee.
    30. Michigan Republicans, choosing between two millionaire ex-congressmen, picked Jim Dunn to challenge liberal Democratic Sen. Donald Riegle.
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