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 Dorchester ['dɔ:tʃəstə(r)]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Some of the men carried shore passes as they entered the Polish-American Citizens Club in the city's Dorchester section.
    2. He snapped up London's elegant Dorchester Hotel 2 1/2 years ago for a price that wasn't disclosed from Regent International Hotels of Hong Kong.
    3. The Wolcott residents who commissioned the monument intended to send it to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library on the University of Massachusetts campus in Boston's Dorchester section.
    4. When the town of Dorchester in southwestern England asked to buy land adjoining the prince's Duchy of Cornwall estate to house 8,000 to 10,000 people, Charles decided not to sell but to oversee the building himself.
    5. On this day, Mr. Dorchester's time is 1 minute 2.4 seconds, 0.83 second behind the winner.
    6. They are simply a good excuse for a large number of cronies to have a seasonal bash at the Dorchester at somebody else's expense.
    7. The 41-year-old Mr. Dorchester and some of his toughest opponents grew up together, traveling the summer chuck-wagon circuits with their fathers, who were friends and rivals, too.
    8. Police went to the city's Dorchester section area Friday night after receiving reports of a young boy who was selling drugs and carrying a gun.
    9. In Summerville, the president was shown around the Dorchester County Courthouse grounds, which were littered with smashed cars, fallen trees and twisted metal.
    10. The violence began when 57-year-old Jean Strandberg was shot in the temple at the liquor store in Dorchester where she worked for more than 20 years.
    11. No Pepys certainly - but a treasure for Underwood. And of course, Underwood did not pick Dorchester at random.
    12. The Dorchester, one of London's most exclusive hotels, will close in December for more than a year for a $134 million facelift.
    13. To celebrate, Mosimann invited 40 sou chefs who worked with him during his 13 years as maitre chef des cuisines at the Dorchester, which he left earlier this year.
    14. All but six of the killings occurred in the neighborhoods of Dorchester, Mattapan and Roxbury, a lower- to middle-class area inhabited by about 150,000 people, police spokesman Jim Jordan said Thursday.
    15. Williams, whose age was not available, told police she originally was from New Jersey but had been living in the Dorchester house for about two months.
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