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 Dong [dɔ:ŋ, dɔŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 越南货币单位盾

  1. Jeff is back on his old stamping ground dong the thing he loves best.
  2. A bookstore on Dong An Road. It's at a corner, is not it?

[ noun ]
  1. the basic unit of money in Vietnam

  2. <noun.quantity>
[ verb ]
  1. go `ding dong', like a bell

  2. <verb.perception> ding dingdong

  1. The factory will be based in Dong Nai Province, to the north-east of Ho Chi Minh City. The deal requires government approval, but Burns said it was hopeful this would be granted before the end of 1994.
  2. Kim and Dong, who defected to the West late last month through a European country, were escorted to South Korea by government officials.
  3. Defense attorney Ahn Dong Il said he and his client would decide within a week whether to appeal to the Supreme Court.
  4. Tourists who come to the capital are shown the facilities under construction for the event, including the 150,000-seat Rungnado Stadium on an island in the River Tae Dong and a 105-story building said to be the world's tallest hotel.
  5. The committee staff has questioned the size of January 1984 payment to the Dong Yang Express Group because the agreement didn't bring any sales, the Dingell aide said.
  6. In May, one of the most powerful, National Security Planning Chief Chang Se Dong, lost his job in a cabinet shuffle.
  7. It embraces volume production up to 60,000 units annually, to power a new 8-12 tonne truck replacing the ancient Dong Feng.
  8. The three business leaders involved are Mr Kim Woo-joong of the Daewoo group, Mr Choi Won-suk of the Mr Dong Ah group and Mr Park Ki-suk of Samsung Construction a construction arm of the giant Samsung group.
  9. It forced him to stay in the rear base at Dong Ha.
  10. Chang Se Dong, then director of the National Security Planning Agency.
  11. The first allegedly was a Dong Yang Express middleman, who told James Dorsey, a Honolulu-based Northrop marketing executive, that he would "publish all the facts concerning Northrop's efforts to sell the F-20 to the Korean government," the document says.
  12. The trawler, the Dong Chang No. 3, sank Sunday about 60 miles north of Wellington near the Western entrance of Cook Strait.
  13. Currency dealers, almost all of them women, do a roaring trade, exchanging Vietnamese Dong for Chinese Renminbi.
  14. Cantafio declined to comment on the Dong Yang agreement.
  15. Xoun, an old man who stays home from the rice paddies to watch the children of Ban Dong Nai, used a machete to uncover unexploded 250- and 500-pound bombs.
  16. The result was strong political pressure on the central bank to ease credit. An example of this view came from Mr Dong Fureng, a member of the standing committee of the National People's Congress.
  17. Donald Foulds, a Northrop executive, even allegedly drafted the settlement claim for Dong Yang Express.
  18. Says Lee Dong Bok, a special assistant to the South Korean Prime Minister for negotiations with the North, "We are crossing the threshold into the front gate of a new phase when we will see the institutionalization of peaceful coexistence," he says.
  19. The government last week granted asylum to a Chinese diplomat, 35-year-old Sydney Vice Consul Dong Qi.
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