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 Devcon 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 得复康(假肢材料);敌无双

  1. It is expected that the final version will be released in time for OSGi DevCon, co-hosted with EclipseCon, in March this year.
    我们有理由期待最终版将于今年3月发布,这正是 OSGi DevCon和 EclipseCon举办的时间。
  2. OSGi DevCon was focussed on a lot of modularity-related subjects; mostly the Enterprise OSGi noted above, but also a Cloud Workshop.
    OSGi DevCon大会关注了许多模块化相关的主题,在前面的企业OSGi已经提到过,还有一个 云讲座。
  3. But company executives have said the DevCon event, traditionally focused on RIM's community of developers, will provide insights into the company's strategic direction.
    但公司高管们表示,开发商大会,传统上集中于RIM公司的开发者群体,他们将对该公司的战略方向提供深刻见解。 开发者大会将于9月27-30日在美国旧金山举行。

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