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 Davignon 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. But others said Mr. Davignon seems more inclined toward strategy than day-to-day management.
    2. There was a winner and a loser," said Director Etienne Davignon.
    3. Etienne Davignon, a Belgian member of the EEC Commission in the early 1980s.
    4. But Generale de Belgique Director Etienne Davignon said it was premature to say an agreement was near.
    5. Viscount Etienne Davignon, himself a former industry commissioner, believes that nine or 10 directorates would be enough.
    6. Neither Viscount Davignon nor Mr Hiner have been charged.
    7. De Benedetti has claimed he and his allies control 47.2 percent of Societe Generale's shares, but Davignon said it was only 43 percent.
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