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  1. DL: First, location and function.
  2. He's still never been on the DL in his career.
  3. DL: Most importantly, our service is consistent.

[ noun ]
a metric unit of volume equal to one tenth of a liter

  1. The cars under the recall order are model 1983 and early 1984 Volvo DL and GL models that have 2.3-liter, four-cylinder fuel-injected engines.
  2. Esiason had used a sidestep move to cause Townsend to lunge past him before completing a TD pass earlier in the final period, but the next time he tried it the big DL was ready.
  3. The Peugeot 605 would have joined the Peugeot 405 DL sedan, which has a base price of $15,490, and the $26,300 Peugeot 505 SW8 station wagon.
  4. This year's winner, the Volvo 240 DL, is expected to be announced tonight.
  5. The cars under the recall order are model 1983 and early 1984 Volvo DL and GL models that have 2.3 liter, 4 cylinder fuel-injected engines.
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