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 Crocus sativus 添加此单词到默认生词本

    crocus sativus
    [ noun ]
    Old World crocus having purple or white flowers with aromatic pungent orange stigmas used in flavoring food

    Saffron \Saf"fron\ (?; 277), n. [OE. saffran, F. safran; cf. It.
    zafferano, Sp. azafran, Pg. a[,c]afr[~a]o; all fr. Ar. & Per.
    za' far[=a]n.]
    1. (Bot.) A bulbous iridaceous plant ({Crocus sativus})
    having blue flowers with large yellow stigmas. See

    2. The aromatic, pungent, dried stigmas, usually with part of
    the stile, of the {Crocus sativus}. Saffron is used in
    cookery, and in coloring confectionery, liquors,
    varnishes, etc., and was formerly much used in medicine.

    3. An orange or deep yellow color, like that of the stigmas
    of the {Crocus sativus}.

    {Bastard saffron}, {Dyer's saffron}. (Bot.) See {Safflower}.

    {Meadow saffron} (Bot.), a bulbous plant ({Colchichum
    autumnale}) of Europe, resembling saffron.

    {Saffron wood} (Bot.), the yellowish wood of a South African
    tree ({El[ae]odendron croceum}); also, the tree itself.

    {Saffron yellow}, a shade of yellow like that obtained from
    the stigmas of the true saffron ({Crocus sativus}).

    Saffron \Saf"fron\ (?; 277), n. [OE. saffran, F. safran; cf. It.
    zafferano, Sp. azafran, Pg. a[,c]afr[~a]o; all fr. Ar. & Per.
    za' far[=a]n.]
    1. (Bot.) A bulbous iridaceous plant ({Crocus sativus})
    having blue flowers with large yellow stigmas. See

    2. The aromatic, pungent, dried stigmas, usually with part of
    the stile, of the {Crocus sativus}. Saffron is used in
    cookery, and in coloring confectionery, liquors,
    varnishes, etc., and was formerly much used in medicine.

    3. An orange or deep yellow color, like that of the stigmas
    of the {Crocus sativus}.

    {Bastard saffron}, {Dyer's saffron}. (Bot.) See {Safflower}.

    {Meadow saffron} (Bot.), a bulbous plant ({Colchichum
    autumnale}) of Europe, resembling saffron.

    {Saffron wood} (Bot.), the yellowish wood of a South African
    tree ({El[ae]odendron croceum}); also, the tree itself.

    {Saffron yellow}, a shade of yellow like that obtained from
    the stigmas of the true saffron ({Crocus sativus}).

    Saffron \Saf"fron\ (?; 277), n. [OE. saffran, F. safran; cf. It.
    zafferano, Sp. azafran, Pg. a[,c]afr[~a]o; all fr. Ar. & Per.
    za' far[=a]n.]
    1. (Bot.) A bulbous iridaceous plant ({Crocus sativus})
    having blue flowers with large yellow stigmas. See

    2. The aromatic, pungent, dried stigmas, usually with part of
    the stile, of the {Crocus sativus}. Saffron is used in
    cookery, and in coloring confectionery, liquors,
    varnishes, etc., and was formerly much used in medicine.

    3. An orange or deep yellow color, like that of the stigmas
    of the {Crocus sativus}.

    {Bastard saffron}, {Dyer's saffron}. (Bot.) See {Safflower}.

    {Meadow saffron} (Bot.), a bulbous plant ({Colchichum
    autumnale}) of Europe, resembling saffron.

    {Saffron wood} (Bot.), the yellowish wood of a South African
    tree ({El[ae]odendron croceum}); also, the tree itself.

    {Saffron yellow}, a shade of yellow like that obtained from
    the stigmas of the true saffron ({Crocus sativus}).

    Saffron \Saf"fron\ (?; 277), n. [OE. saffran, F. safran; cf. It.
    zafferano, Sp. azafran, Pg. a[,c]afr[~a]o; all fr. Ar. & Per.
    za' far[=a]n.]
    1. (Bot.) A bulbous iridaceous plant ({Crocus sativus})
    having blue flowers with large yellow stigmas. See

    2. The aromatic, pungent, dried stigmas, usually with part of
    the stile, of the {Crocus sativus}. Saffron is used in
    cookery, and in coloring confectionery, liquors,
    varnishes, etc., and was formerly much used in medicine.

    3. An orange or deep yellow color, like that of the stigmas
    of the {Crocus sativus}.

    {Bastard saffron}, {Dyer's saffron}. (Bot.) See {Safflower}.

    {Meadow saffron} (Bot.), a bulbous plant ({Colchichum
    autumnale}) of Europe, resembling saffron.

    {Saffron wood} (Bot.), the yellowish wood of a South African
    tree ({El[ae]odendron croceum}); also, the tree itself.

    {Saffron yellow}, a shade of yellow like that obtained from
    the stigmas of the true saffron ({Crocus sativus}).

    Crocin \Cro"cin\ (kr?"s?n), n. [Gr. ???? saffron.] (Chem.)
    (a) The coloring matter of Chinese yellow pods, the fruit of
    {Gardenia grandiflora}. --Watts.
    (b) A red powder (called also {polychroite}), which is made
    from the saffron ({Crocus sativus}). See {Polychroite}.

    Crocus \Cro"cus\ (kr[=o]"k[u^]s), n. [L., saffron, fr. Gr.
    kro`kos; cf. Heb. kark[=o]m, Ar. kurkum, Skr. ku[.n]kuma.]
    1. (Bot.) A genus of iridaceous plants, with pretty blossoms
    rising separately from the bulb or corm. {Crocus vernus}
    is one of the earliest of spring-blooming flowers; {Crocus
    sativus} produces the saffron, and blossoms in the autumn.

    2. (Chem.) A deep yellow powder; the oxide of some metal
    calcined to a red or deep yellow color; esp., the oxide of
    iron ({Crocus of Mars} or {colcothar}) thus produced from
    salts of iron, and used as a polishing powder.

    {Crocus of Venus} (Old Chem.), oxide of copper.

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