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 Corvus ['kɔ:vəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乌鸦座

  1. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus.

[ noun ]
  1. a small quadrilateral constellation in the southern hemisphere near Virgo

  2. <noun.object>
  3. type genus of the Corvidae: crows and ravens

  4. <noun.animal>

  1. Corvus, a computer products maker, had a net loss of $9.2 million on revenue of $29.4 million for the nine months ended Feb. 28.
  2. Corvus also said the plan provides that unsecured creditors may receive one share of Corvus stock for every $10 of their claims, or they may participate in a creditors' fund.
  3. Corvus also said the plan provides that unsecured creditors may receive one share of Corvus stock for every $10 of their claims, or they may participate in a creditors' fund.
  4. Corvus Systems Inc., citing losses from its overseas subsidiaries, reported a net loss of $1.4 million for the fiscal-fourth quarter.
  5. For the year, Corvus had a net loss of $2.8 million compared with year-earlier net income of $2.3 million, or eight cents a share.
  6. Lewis T. Lipton, 47, who assumed the duties of president and chief operating officer last month, will serve additionally as acting chief executive officer, Corvus said.
  7. Corvus said its stock was delisted from Nasdaq because it no longer satisfied capital requirements, although it said the stock would continue to be listed on the National Daily Quotation Service pink sheets published by the National Quotation Bureau.
  8. Corvus Systems Inc. said it asked 37 employees at its headquarters and regional offices to take 30-day, unpaid vacations, as a cost-cutting measure.
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