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 copywriter ['kɑpɪ`raɪtɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 广告文编写人

  1. But it is the art director and copywriter who must oversee that work, to guarantee that it is true to the concept they developed.
  2. He worked as a copywriter for Volkswagen in DDB Barcelona in1992, where he learned to respect Bernbach and the power of a good headline.
  3. Traditional viewpoint believed," article" only is a copywriter simply engaged in writing draft, which is a wrong explanation to" article".

[ noun ]
a person employed to write advertising or publicity copy

  1. "It was a hotly sought-after position," says Pat Byrnes, a copywriter at Bayer Bess Vanderwarker, the cereal's ad agency.
  2. Maurice was an academic success with a sharp business mind. Charles proved a brilliant copywriter.
  3. Meetings degenerated into shouting matches; after one, a copywriter kicked a hole in a wall.
  4. He started as a Fortune magazine copywriter in 1955 and was appointed creative projects director of Life in 1960.
  5. "It was a hard act to follow," said Riswold, copywriter on both campaigns.
  6. The other two are Norm Magnusson, a copywriter for ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi DFS Compton Inc., and Adam Buckman, a reporter for Electronic Media, a trade publication.
  7. MAN's NEWSLETTER reprinted a speech delivered at the January 1987 MAN meeting in Chicago, "CATALOG CREATIVE 101," in which an advertising copywriter recommended that MANmen "try to use words your customer can readily relate to.
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