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 Coptic ['kɑptɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 科普特人的, 科普特语的, 科普特基督教徒的

n. 科普特语

  1. Less well-known is Egypt's medieval heritage, courtesy of Coptic Christianity and Islam- ancient churches, monasteries and mosques punctuate the Egyptian landscape.
  2. When it has all been read- mainly in Greek, but sometimes in Latin, Hebrew, Coptic, Syriac, Aramaic, Arabic, Nubian and early Persian- the new material will probably add up to around five million words.

[ noun ]
  1. the liturgical language of the Coptic Church used in Egypt and Ethiopia; written in the Greek alphabet

  2. <noun.communication>
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to the Copts or their church or language or art

  2. <adj.pert>
    the distinctive Coptic art of 6th-century Christian Egypt

Coptic \Cop"tic\ (k[o^]p"t[i^]k), a. [Abbrev. from L. Aegyptius
an Egyptian, Gr. ?, Ar. kibt[=i], pl. kibt.]
Of or pertaining to the Copts. -- n. The language of the

  1. "It is the earliest complete book of Psalms, at the same time written in a new dialect for scholars, and we have its whole history," said Martin Krause, Coptic studies professor of Munster University in West Germany.
  2. The oldest is a sixth-century Coptic sanctuary curtain; the most recent is a 20th-century American pictorial wall hanging.
  3. Fahmy Abd-Alina, antiquities director for Islamic and Coptic monuments, said the Americans were given the names of the four most historic and important monuments that could benefit from financial aid.
  4. The church leaders included Roman Catholic, Coptic and Lutheran officials.
  5. A federal appeals court Tuesday rejected a claim for a religious exemption to drug laws that would have allowed the use of marijuana in rites of the Jamaica-based Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church.
  6. Assiut has a laerge Coptic population.
  7. Gabra said the text contains many Greek and some Coptic words never seen before.
  8. A fire set off by sparks from a cooking booth swept through a city of tents housing thousands of Coptic Christians attending a religious festival, police said.
  9. It's among the top Coptic finds of the second half of the 20th century." Antiquities inspectors excavating the graveyard found the book beneath the head of a 12-year-old girl.
  10. Anba Sarabion, the Coptic bishop for public services in Cairo, said it took its current name apparently because of the reddish color of the rocks in the area.
  11. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said almost 100 militants threw stones at the churches and a nearby Coptic youth club, smashing windows and slightly injuring 15 worshipers.
  12. In Egypt, the head of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenouda III, recently blocked an attempt to form a Coptic political party.
  13. In Egypt, the head of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenouda III, recently blocked an attempt to form a Coptic political party.
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