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 Climbers 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound.
  2. Two of the mountain climbers were suffering from frost-bite.

  1. Climbers, inspired by the tragic first ascent by Edward Whymper, in which four people were killed on the way down, could not keep away either.
  2. Climbers attempting Mount Everest will from next month have to pay Nepal a cleanliness fee of Dollars 4,000. The money will be used to remove rubbish from the mountains.
  3. Climbers must sign a form releasing the city from liability and pay a nominal sign-up fee; they must supply their own ropes and gear; they must follow safety rules that will be enforced by a parks employee.
  4. Jane Taylor appears again in a different series with a volume on Climbers and Wallplants for Year Round Colour, alongside Peter McHoy's Containers and Baskets (Ward Lock Pounds 14.99).
  5. Normally a disorganized lot, they formed a loose alliance called the City Climbers Club of New York to lobby parks officials to call off the troops.
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