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 Claude [klɔ:d]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 克劳德(男子名)

    1. He planned a relaxed weekend, but planned to join the congressional delegation traveling to Miami on Sunday for a memorial service honoring Rep. Claude Pepper, D-Fla., who died this week.
    2. On Saturday, Jean Claude Bajeux, co-leader of the socialist Congress of Democratic Movements and a member of 12-party Unity Assembly, criticized Mrs. Pascal-Trouillot for her quick appointment of the five new Cabinet members.
    3. Also pleading guilty before U.S. District Judge Claude A. Hilton was Jack Sherman, a civilian purchasing official with the Marine Corps.
    4. The family's rule ended in 1986 when his son, "Baby Doc," Jean Claude Duvalier was forced into exile in France.
    5. On Wednesday, state District Judge Claude R. Sledge waived the required 72-hour waiting period.
    6. "He said he wanted to cut it up," says Jean Claude Nedelec, a co-owner of the caterer.
    7. "A lot of them are afraid to vote for a tax increase," added Rep. Claude Pepper (D., Fla.), chairman of the House Rules Committee.
    8. His wife, state Sen. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban-American, is running for the late Rep. Claude Pepper's congressional seat with the foundation's support.
    9. But the Justice Department halted the trial by appealing rulings by U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton that the locations of several CIA stations in Central America could be disclosed by Fernandez as part of his defense.
    10. Air Canada's chairman, Claude Taylor, is a devout Baptist.
    11. And Florida Elder Claude Pepper called Mr. Reagan's catastrophic illness plan "the step of a dwarf."
    12. Claude Cote, acting legal counsel for the state Department of Environmental Management, said the state was negotiating a settlement for cleanup costs with Ballard.
    13. This London/Decca release is the soundtrack for a new film directed by Claude d'Anna.
    14. Term limits would have cost us Everett Dirksen, who rallied Republicans around early civil-rights bills and Florida's own Claude Pepper, who long defended Social Security and Medicare against revenue raids.
    15. The city government traditionally handles weapons charges, and Claude Bailey, a spokesman for the District of Columbia Corporation Counsel, said officials would and decide within a few days whether to prosecute Rowan.
    16. Revlon is also negotiating to license the Claude Montana fragrance line from Monteil, the sources said.
    17. Claude Foisy, the government-appointed conciliator, said Canada Post Corp., which operates the nation's mail service, may award franchises on some operations to private business.
    18. They gathered in Aix-en-Provence, whose procureur general, Mr Claude Salavagione, warned publicly in January that 'Mafioso penetration is not just in drugs, but in all sectors'.
    19. Haas counts U.S. Rep. Claude Pepper, the 87-year-old Miami Democrat and oldest member of Congress, among his friends.
    20. The decision was praised by a political leader, Christian Democrat Sylvio Claude, who was quoted on Radio Lumier as saying, "The emotions of the people are overheated.
    21. 'It's good news for us,' said Mr Claude Taittinger, chairman of Taittinger, the French champagne house which relies on exports for two thirds of turnover. Other companies have also suffered.
    22. Claude Monet poked about the Gare Saint-Lazare with a special permit and, judging by one wonderful painting at Orsay, stood blithely on busy tracks to brush the bluish smoke right onto his canvas.
    23. The company also named 51-year-old President and Chief Executive Officer J. Cleve Borth, to the additional post of chairman, succeeding Dr. Claude K. Miller, 78, who retired.
    24. The most expensive work was a painting by Claude Monet that sold for $4.7 million.
    25. Fred H. Lackner, 52, was also fined $25,000 by U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton and ordered to serve a three-year term of supervised probation following his release from prison.
    26. Michael Dukakis' 84-year-old mother and Rep. Claude Pepper, the oldest member of Congress, led senior citizens in a rally Tuesday for long-term health-care legislation that Pepper promises to make a national campaign issue.
    27. Works by blue-chip Impressionists Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and Pierre-Auguste Renoir had extreme difficulty selling.
    28. Bush flew to this resort town from Miami, where he made a one-day campaign foray in behalf of Republican congressional candidate Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who is vying against Democrat Gerald Richman to succeed the late Democratic Rep. Claude Pepper.
    29. Claude Morgan, an employee of the Maui Waui T-shirt store, previously forced to lower the volume of a "boom-box" tape player out front, has launched a more obnoxious counterattack.
    30. L. Claude Simmons, Glenayre's chairman, said in Vancouver, British Columbia, that the acquisition will more than double the company's annual revenue and is expected to provide "a significant contribution" to profit.
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