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 Chichester   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. His home is in Chichester.
    2. The other car park award winner is the more flamboyant and controversial Avenue de Chartres car park in Chichester, Sussex, designed by Birds, Portchmouth, Russum Architects.
    3. Today's cricket must be good; and Glyndebourne takes its audiences seriously enough to challenge them with tough-minded productions. Not so Chichester.
    4. The pavement passed close to one side of the new block and this facade has been enlivened by the presence of specially commissioned stained glass windows. Chichester had a problem.
    5. Goldsmith rules. Chichester Festival Theatre (0243) 781312, until October 5 SHOSTAKOVICH'S Fifteenth Symphony, so laced with quotations, is a gift to the thematically conscious programme-builder.
    6. Chichester has launched its season with a robust, energetic, and strongly-cast production of Sheridan's 1775 classic, The Rivals.
    7. Hitchcock's bad 1948 film damaged the play, but not so Keith Baxter's excellent revival, now at Wyndhams Theatre after opening at the Chichester Festival last year. From the crashing discords and complete darkness, the play makes compulsive viewing.
    8. The boy's parents say he needs the special education resources available only at Rose Tree. In addition, the Chichester school is not equipped for wheelchair users.
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