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 Caesar ['sizɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 恺撒, 暴君

  1. Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.
  2. If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar.
  3. I cannot but bless the memory of July Caesar, for the great esteem he express for fat men and his aversion to lean one.

[ noun ]
  1. conqueror of Gaul and master of Italy (100-44 BC)

  2. <noun.person>
  3. United States comedian who pioneered comedy television shows (born 1922)

  4. <noun.person>

Caesar \C[ae]"sar\, n. [L.]
A Roman emperor, as being the successor of Augustus C[ae]sar.
Hence, a kaiser, or emperor of Germany, or any emperor or
powerful ruler. See {Kaiser}, {Kesar}.

Malborough anticipated the day when he would be
servilely flattered and courted by C[ae]sar on one side
and by Louis the Great on the other. --Macaulay.

  1. Little Caesar, the pizza chain, jumped several places with an ad featuring a dog that barked, "I love you." Music stars Paula Abdul and Elton John helped get Diet Coke on the list.
  2. "It's like Julius Caesar in here," says the retired graphics department worker.
  3. Roti, at 5-foot-11 and 217 pounds, challenged Caesar and lost.
  4. Aoki Corp. bought Brazil's Caesar Park Hotels as an investment, and Mrs. Aoki became its sales and marketing director in the early 1980s.
  5. "Little Caesar's and Pizza Hut define the only two rational positions that can exist over time, one being the cheapest and the other being higher quality at a reasonable price," says Robert Perkins, Pizza Hut's senior vice president of marketing.
  6. "This won't be Julius Caesar with Marlon Brando.
  7. When the film version of "Julius Caesar" was made in 1953, Brando was best known as the brutal Stanley Kowalski in "A Streetcar Named Desire."
  8. Her Julius Caesar didn't step forward as an opera's title character should.
  9. The IRS calls the sale a sham, noting that the $9,000 a month Caesar was to have paid for the building was exactly offset by the amount his father was charged to rent his office.
  10. Mr Geza Jeszenszky, Hungary's foreign minister, compared their struggle to that of ancient gladiators fighting wild beasts in the Circus Maximus in front of an indifferent (western) Caesar. The Community's response was less dramatic.
  11. Ms. Caesar, now eight-and-one-half, had various things to say about "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze." "I'm so sad it's over," was her first thought coming out of the theater.
  12. A portrait head of her bony-faced lover, Julius Caesar, is available for inspection nearby, sculpted by a Roman artist.
  13. Augustus Caesar fine-tuned things by making leap year every fourth year.
  14. What happened to them after that, we don't know." Caesar said the stubs generally are transferred from the bank to Ohio Bell daily.
  15. Eight patrons paid $10 apiece on Oct. 22 and 29 to get on the mat with Caesar, hoping to win $1,000 promised to anyone who pinned the 7-foot, 6-inch, 970 pound bear.
  16. A recent advertising campaign depicts the emperor Caesar under the slogan: 'Punctuality is the courtesy of Kings.' Mogens Lykketoft, Denmark's Social Democratic finance minister, is proving a dab hand at creative accounting.
  17. 'Caesar' is convinced that Solidarnosc will prevail.
  18. The first major "quasi direct marketing" (short rental window) in 1999 is "Asterix & Obelix Against Caesar", a film that attracted more than 3.5 million cinema-goers, making it the most successful European film of the year.
  19. Last year, he starred with fellow veterans Danny Thomas and Sid Caesar in a made-for-television flick called "Side by Side."
  20. Caesar's birth month of Quintilis was renamed in his honor.
  21. What was a man for but to serve Caesar?
  22. It said Mrs. Lahd had invited her to tea Monday along with Caesar Saqr, a militia spokesman, and Lahd's sons Rabih and Ron.
  23. Portia, wife of the assassin Brutus in "Julius Caesar," 50 miles.
  24. Ms. Amrhine said Mrs. Aoki would not be further involved in the Caesar Park management.
  25. Now Christians are becoming Inquisitors again by rendering unto Caesar the health of the body.
  26. The New York Post's Clive Barnes was more charitable, saying Caesar is a "clowning genius" who could have used better material.
  27. He later joined the Old Vic Theatre and portrayed such classical Shakespearean roles as Hamlet, Richard II and Caesar.
  28. Petroleum futures opened higher yesterday and, Mr. Caesar and others said, rallyed early in the trading day on technical buying motivated by last week's sharp price declines and Friday's expiration of options for November contracts.
  29. The Caesar's and Storer transactions involve new charges against Milken not contained in the government's original 98-count indictment last year or earlier Securities and Exchange Commission charges.
  30. The other transactions to be aired by the government involve alleged illegal dealings in Caesar's World Inc. and Storer Communications Inc.
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