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 Buckland 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Buckland)人名;(英)巴克兰

  1. “We felt like the first three albums were a trilogy, and we finished that, ” says guitarist Johnny Buckland. “So we wanted to do something different.”
    乐队吉他手Johnny Buckland说道:“我们觉得前三张专辑是三部曲,已经结束了,所以我们想要做些不同的东西。”
  2. "We felt like the first three albums were a trilogy, and we finished that, " says guitarist Johnny Buckland. "So we wanted to do something different."
    乐队吉他手Johnny Buckland说:“我们觉得前三张专辑像三部曲,已经结束了,所以我们想要做些不同的东西。”
  3. Mary said it was while teaching at Buckland that she first thought of founding a private school open to daughters of farmers and skilled workers.

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