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 Brougham   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 有盖马车的一种

    [ noun ]
    1. light carriage; pulled by a single horse

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a sedan that has no roof over the driver's seat

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Brougham \Brough"am\, n.
    A light, enclosed carriage, with seats inside for two or
    four, and the fore wheels so arranged as to turn short.

    1. When production resumes July 13, the company said only 2,000 workers will return to build the Cadillac Brougham on one shift, instead of two.
    2. The plant builds GM's largest rear-wheel-drive cars, the Chevrolet Caprice and the Cadillac Brougham.
    3. Consider GM's Buick Roadmaster wagon and its sister cars, the Chevrolet Caprice and Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham.
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