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 Bonner 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. A developer of the Soviet hydrogen bomb who later recoiled in horror at what he had wrought, Sakharov could have settled into a comfortable life back in Moscow with his wife, Yelena Bonner, continuing research on the physical properties of the universe.
    2. More than 8,000 grieving Soviets followed Sakharov's body, transported in an open-ended bus that also carried Bonner along Lenin Prospekt to outdoor funeral ceremonies at Luzhniki sports complex.
    3. Thirteen of Karl's former employees who were used as conduits for the alleged contributions were not indicted because most of them cooperated in the investigation and have been given limited immunity from prosecution, Bonner said.
    4. "The independent promoters were acting on behalf of virtually all record companies in this country," Bonner said.
    5. Lawrence made the announcement after saying earlier today that he had asked for police protection for his vigil at the two-mile-long Herbert Bonner Bridge, the only route from Hatteras Island to the mainland.
    6. Sakharov called the essay "a turning point in my life" and two years later he helped found the Moscow Human Rights Committee. After the 1968 death of his first wife, Klavdia, he married Bonner in 1971, and she became his constant companion.
    7. Sakharov's widow, Elena Bonner, attended the wedding, others who were present said.
    8. Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev is a power-hungry politician who has an overblown reputation as a reformer, Soviet dissident Yelena Bonner said Friday at a peace forum.
    9. Bonner said verdicts on the murder charges in Mexico are not expected until January.
    10. There can be no doubt that his marriage to Elena Bonner enormously strengthened Mr. Sakharov in this remarkable endeavor.
    11. Robert Bonner, the U.S. attorney, has called ZZZZ Best "the most massive and elaborate securities fraud perpetrated on the West Coast in over a decade."
    12. Matthew Bonner, 11, of Concord, N.H., recently asked his parents not to renew his subscription to Nintendo Power magazine.
    13. Havel visited the grave with Sakharov's widow, Yelena Bonner, and Czechoslovak Foreign Minister Jiri Dienstbier.
    14. Ambassador Byroade says he told Mr. Bonner explicitly, during an interview for the book, that no such meeting took place, and the White House public record reveals neither the meeting nor any calls.
    15. There are reasons, however, for concluding that Mr. Bonner is not writing a serious book for a serious audience.
    16. But Charles Bonner, president of Bonner Packing of Fresno, said a report in Business Week magazine showed 70 percent of business acquisitions were failures, resulting in lower stock prices and a drop in market share for the surviving companies.
    17. But Charles Bonner, president of Bonner Packing of Fresno, said a report in Business Week magazine showed 70 percent of business acquisitions were failures, resulting in lower stock prices and a drop in market share for the surviving companies.
    18. The Syracuse study was completed and sent to Attorney General Dick Thornburgh last October, long before Bonner was picked for the drug post.
    19. Mexico's Luis Garcia beat Bonner with two hard and accurate shots.
    20. Sakharov and his wife, Yelena Bonner, were invited by the Oslo-based Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities; the Nobel Committee and Michelsen Institute for Science and Intellectual Freedom in Bergen.
    21. Mr. Bonner does not know enough to have alternatives and tries to argue this deficiency away by insisting that his "is a book about Washington more than about Manila, more about American policy than about Philippine culture and society."
    22. Even such a fine singer as John Mark Ainsley seemed curiously inert as Orfeo, although Julia Gooding's Euridice and especially Tessa Bonner's Ninfa revealed more character.
    23. "The amount represents proceeds of approximately 70 tons of cocaine sold in the United States in two years," Bonner said.
    24. More than 30,000 people surged forward toward Sakharov's carnation-bedecked coffin, and Bonner had to plead for order.
    25. Bonner opened the forum with a news conference also attended by former Vice President Walter Mondale.
    26. Bonner is well respected by his peers and did an outstanding job for the attorney general and the department.
    27. Heavy surf washed away about 100 feet of sand from the south side of Oregon Inlet, threatening to damage the approach to the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge that leads to Hatteras Island, about 20 miles off the North Carolina coast.
    28. Under the legislation, Khoury and Bonner would still hold the copyright to the song as its publishers.
    29. In Los Angeles, U.S. Attorney Robert Bonner reportedly concluded that the available facts did not call for further inquiries.
    30. The unusually long audience was "very nice," Bonner said.
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